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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Lv 29I/1 — hug ‘thought’

Minn hug segik mǫnnum,
Magnús, at ek fagna
— goðs lán es þat — þínu
þingdrífu vel lífi.
Ætti drengja dróttinn
dýrðarson, ef yrði
(þjóð mætti fô fœðask)
feðr glíkr (konung slíkan).

Segik hug minn mǫnnum, Magnús, at ek fagna vel þingdrífu lífi þínu; þat es lán goðs. Dróttinn drengja ætti dýrðarson, ef yrði glíkr feðr; fô þjóð mætti fœðask slíkan konung.

I tell my thought to people, Magnús, that I am well pleased with your assembly-attending life; it is God’s gift. The lord of men [RULER = Óláfr] would have a glorious son, if he became like his father; few nations could produce such a king.



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