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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 48VII/4 — regins

Missti maðr, es lýsti,
— morginn vas þá — borgar
styrks mundriða steindrar
styrsnjallr roðins galla.
Nýtr gat séð á sléttri
seimþiggjandi liggja
grundu gylðis kindar
gómsparra sér fjarri.

Styrsnjallr maðr missti styrks, roðins galla steindrar borgar mundriða, es lýsti; morginn vas þá. Nýtr seimþiggjandi gat séð gómsparra gylðis kindar liggja fjarri sér á sléttri grundu.

The battle-bold man missed the strong, reddened destruction of the stained stronghold of the sword-hilt [SHIELD > SWORD] when it grew light; it was morning then. The useful gold-receiver [MAN] was able to see the gum-spar of the wolf’s offspring [SWORD] lying far from him on the flat ground.



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