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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mfl 1III/2 — furu ‘of the fir-tree’

Knáttu mǫrg á mergjar
mjǫðkarms furu hvarma
hirðsamnaðar himna
hrynregn sali dynja.

Mǫrg hrynregn hvarma furu mjǫðkarms knáttu dynja á sali mergjar himna hirðsamnaðar.

Many streaming rains of eyelids [TEARS] of the fir-tree of the mead-vessel [WOMAN = Mary] gushed onto the halls of marrow [LIMBS] of the convener of the retinue of the heavens [(lit. ‘heavens’ retinue-convener’) ANGELS > = Christ].


[2] furu mjǫðkarms ‘of the fir-tree of the mead-vessel [WOMAN = Mary]’: This is a traditional woman-kenning, which, according to Meissner (Meissner 423), is highly unusual as a kenning for Mary (although he does not mention the present kenning): Eine Anknüpfung an die alten, allgemeinen Frauenkenningar war hier ausgeschlossen ‘A tie to the old general women-kennings was excluded here [i.e. among kennings for Mary]’. See also Note to st. 2 [All].



case: gen.


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