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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


boð (spec.: buð- var. Landsl 93¹⁰: AM 68 4° “Eb”) sb. n. [-s; -]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) bud, meddelelse message

2) (pl.) forkyndelse, lære (pl.) preaching, teaching

3) [yfir e-m] påbud, befaling, kommando, bestemmelse, forordning order, command, decree, regulation, ordinance

 ● boð ok bann [yfir e-t / á e-u] påbud og forbud command/injunction and prohibition

4) budstikke, det budskab der sendes rundt med budstikke (ɔ: ordre til fremmøde, påbud om helligholdelse af højtider, etc.) token with communal information, message that is carried with a token (ɔ: summons to attend, instructions on the observance of church feasts, etc.)

 ● bera boð [á hendr e-m] [í millum e-ra]

 ● fella boð forsømme at viderebringe budstikke fail to pass on a token with communal information

 ● hefja (upp) boð udsende budstikke/budskab send out a token with communal information, send out a message

 ● skera (upp) boð [e-m] [fyrir e-u] (skære ɔ:) udsende budstikke/budskab (cut ɔ:) send out a token with communal information, send out a message

5) [við e-n / at e-m] [til e-s] tilbud offer, proposal

 ● bjóða á boð [e-rs] overbyde (ngn) overbid (sby)

 ● í boði [e-m] til rådighed available, eligible

6) (spec.) tilbud om bod/erstatning (spec.) offer of compensation
 ● bjóða boð [e-m] [fyrir e-n/sik / fyrir e-m] [fyrir e-t] [til e-s]

 ● koma boðum [í milli ! við e-n/e-t] [fyrir sik]

7) [á e-u] ret til tilbud (om jord), ret til at få tilbudt (og indløse) (jordejendom), indløsningsret right to be offered (and redeem) (land), right of redemption

8) indbydelse invitation

9) besøg (af en vis varighed) visit (of some duration)

10) gæstebud, gilde, fest, bryllupsgilde social gathering to which guests are invited, feast, wedding feast

 ● gera boð [til e-rrar] holde bryllup (med kvinde) celebrate (one’s) marriage (to a woman)

 ● hafa boð inni holde (ngns) bryllup celebrate (sby’s) wedding

Form.: boð (133); bod (50); boði (37); bodi (16); boðe (14); boþ (9); bode (8); boðs (4); boðin (3); boðom (3); boðum (3); boþe (2); boþi (2); bodh (2); boðit (2); bodid (1); bodit (1); blodom (1); boþins (1); boðunum (1); boþit (1); boðrs (1); boða (1); boþom (1); boþsins (1); buðum (1); boþs eɴs (1);

Comp.: af- (2), and- (16), ástar- (2), ástúðar- (2), blíð·mǽlis- (1), brek- (2), býsna- (1), drykkjar- (1), eignar·um- (10), fagnaðar- (1), fé- (12), fjánd- (5), fjánds- (1), for- (66), fram- (1), friðar- (1), frið- (1), fyrir- (1), fǫður- (2), gesta- (3), gistingar- (1), haust- (17), heilsu- (2), heim- (62), her- (8), hirð·vistar- (1), hjalpar- (1), holm·gǫngu- (3), hrepps·fundar- (2), hugar- (6), hug- (40), ill·vilja- (1), imbru·daga- (1), jafnaðar- (4), jarða- (1), jóla- (14), kirkju·for- (1), kirkju·um- (1), konunga- (1), konungs- (7), kosta- (25), kristin- (1), kristin·dóms- (2), kristni- (21), kristnis- (2), kross- (2), kveðju- (1), laga- (7), laga·um- (2), leiðangrs- (1), lǫg- (7), mann- (19), messu·daga- (1), miðs·vetrar- (1), nafn- (1), norðr·um- (1), of- (1), ógnar- (10), ótta- (7), páfa- (1), páfa·for- (1), páska- (1), reið·skjóta- (6), réttar- (1), sannenda- (1), sáttar- (4), senda- (1), sendi- (17), skrifta- (5), skrift- (1), stefnu- (2), sǽtta- (1), sǽttar- (21), sǿmðar- (4), til- (2), trú- (1), um- (92), undan- (2), út- (42), varð·halds- (1), vegs- (2), veg·semðar- (1), véla- (1), veldis- (1), vina- (8), vináttu- (12), vin·skapar- (1), virðingar·heim- (1), vissu- (3), vita·upp- (1), yfir- (43), þing- (22), þings- (8), ǫl- (1), ǫr- (2), ǫrvar- (20)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr; Fr4 item buð; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Bjorvand 2006 [MM 2006] 98; Grieg 1957 [KLNM 2] 338-339; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 37, 296; Hægstad 1902 19; Knudsen 1936 [MM 1936] 208; Lundeby 1947 [ANF 62] 89; Seip 1929 [ANF 45] 279; Seip 1931 [MM 1931] 59; Seip 1932 352; Tarsi 2022 236

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 96 (28); religious works [rel]: 50 (79); historical works [his]: 44 (52); family sagas [isl]: 37 (36); contemporary sagas [bis]: 20 (22); charters [dip]: 19 (23); romances [rom]: 17 (31); legendary sagas [fas]: 10 (13); þættir [tot]: 5 (7); learned works [div]: 2 (9); unclassified [ ]: 0 (1);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

This uses metadata and images from

blóðvarta - boð
boð - borð
ONP’s data is licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0, excluding images of editions and manuscripts, and content under ‘External (non-ONP) resources’ in dictionary entries.
Dictionary of Old Norse Prose