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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


þǫrf sb. f. [þarfar; þarfar/þarfir]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) [e-s / til e-s / á e-u / at !] behov, trang, nød, mangel, tarv, fornødenhed, nødvendighed

 ● þǫrf beiðir

 ● berr þǫrf til [■] [e-m]

 ● þǫrf berr til [!]

 ● eftir þǫrf

 ● þǫrf fellr til [!] [e-m / með e-m]

 ● fram um þǫrf

 ● ef/sem þǫrf gerisk [til e-s]

 ● kunna þǫrf [e-s / til ■] [sér]

 ● mǽla [e-t] í þǫrf [e-rs]

 ● vinnr þǫrf [e-t] [e-m] [til e-s]

 ● í þǫrf skal vinar neyta (proverb.; cf. FJOrdspr 200)

 ● hyggja/ætla þegjandi þǫrf [e-m] [fyrir e-t]

cf. anden variant af udtrykket: “fár hyggr þegjanda þǫrf ... ‘Ingen gennemskuer den tiendes tarv’. Aasen: “Tegjande manns torv er vand å vita”...”, cf. FJOrdspr 203

2) (om det at forrette sin nødtørft)
 ● ganga þarfa sinna

3) [e-m/e-u] hjælp, nytte, gavn

 ● koma vel/illa í þǫrf [e-m]

 ● vinna þǫrf [e-m / e-u] [um e-t]

4) (intens.) temmelig, betydeligt, meget
 ● þǫrfum (+ compar.)

II. (y. isl.)

Form.: þorf (48); þo᷎rf (13); þǫrf (12); þaurf (10); þavrf (9); þꜹrf (9); þarfa (7); þörf (6); þarfar (4); þarva (3); þarfir (2); Þorf (2); Þaurf (2); þꝍrf (1); þerf (1); þórf (1); þǫrfum (1); þǫrfvm (1); þarfuer (1); þꜵrf (1); Þo᷎rf (1); þarfer (1); þörfum (1); þarffer (1); þo᷎rfina (1);

Comp.: liðs- (3), líkams- (1), máls- (2), mál- (1), nauð- (1), ó- (2), sálu- (2)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH -o-; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM (þörf); Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Bjorvand 1994 226; Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 200, 203; Lund 1997 [MM 1997] 69

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 44 (36); legal works [jur]: 31 (13); romances [rom]: 17 (14); family sagas [isl]: 14 (16); historical works [his]: 13 (23); contemporary sagas [bis]: 7 (10); charters [dip]: 6 (10); legendary sagas [fas]: 4 (6); unclassified [ ]: 2 (1); learned works [div]: 1 (4); þættir [tot]: 0 (3);

AS (red.) — June 2015

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

This uses metadata and images from

þyrsta - þõrf
þõrf - ægir
ONP’s data is licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0, excluding images of editions and manuscripts, and content under ‘External (non-ONP) resources’ in dictionary entries.
Dictionary of Old Norse Prose