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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


bíta vb. [bítr; beit, bitu; bitinn]

(cf. -bitinn adj.) -bitinn adj.

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) [e-t/e-n / á e-u / í e-t] [af e-m/e-u / ór e-u/sér] [e-u / með e-u] bide, bide i, tage en bid af, gnave, spise bite, bite into, take a bite of, gnaw, eat

 ● bíta á beisku smage ngt bittert, få modgang at føle taste sth. acrid, experience adversity

2) [■] (om fisk) bide på (of fish) bite, take the bait

 ● ‖ impers.: bítr [á !] der bides (på), der er bid (fish) take the hook

3) [e-t] [af !] græsse, afgræsse, æde (græs, etc.) graze, crop (meadow, etc.), eat, feed on (grass, etc.)

 ● láta bíta [e-t] [e-u]

4) [e-n/e-t / á e-n/! / á e-u / í e-t] [af e-m] [e-m] (om våben, etc.) bide, bide på, hugge, skade, skære/trænge sig ind/ned i (of a weapon, etc.) bite, cut, damage, cut into, penetrate

 ● ‖ impers.: bítr [á e-n/e-t] [e-m] (våben) bider (på ngn/ngt) (for ngn) (a weapon) bites/cuts (on sby/sth.) (for sby)

5) “ramme i plet”, slå an “find the mark”, be effective

6) [e-t/e-n] fange (idet fiskekrogen får bid), få på krogen catch (when the fish takes the bait) on one’s hook

7) [e-n/e-t / á e-n] [um ■] afficere, ramme, gå på, svide, nage have an effect, strike home, hurt, sting, plague

 ● bítr í augu [e-m] [■] (ngn) nærer betænkelighed (ved ngt) (sby) has misgivings (about sth.)

 ● bítr í brjóst [■] [um ■] (ngn) nærer betænkelighed (ved ngt) (sby) has misgivings (about sth.)

 ● bítr í brún [e-m] (ngn) bliver bekymret (sby) becomes concerned

8) [e-n] (om straf, beskyldning, etc.) ramme, fælde (of punishment, accusation, etc.) hit, strike home

 ● mál/... er sekð/sǫk bítr sag hjemfalden til straf matter/case that incurs punishment

 ● ‖ impers.: bítr [■] [e-m] (ngt) stikker (ngn) (sby) gets bitten (by an idea)

10) sejle bidevind, krydse (op mod vinden) tack, beat (up against the wind)

 ● ‖ impers.: bítr [e-m] (ngn) kan krydse, (ngn) får vind at krydse op imod (sby) can tack, (sby) gets a wind suitable for beating up against the wind

B. bíta + præp./adv.

af: bíta af

 ● bíta af sér [e-t] bide fra sig, parere (stød) vha. tænderne parry (a thrust) by biting

fyrir: bíta fyrir

1) [!] [of e-t] være af afgørende (ofte, men ikke altid, negativ) betydning be of decisive (often, but not always, negative) significance

2) [!] stå stærkere/stærkest have the stronger/strongest case

sundr: bíta (í) sundr

1) [e-t] bide over bite through

2) [e-t/e-n] hugge over chop through

til: bíta til

[e-s/e-rs] bide i/efter (ngt/ngn) bite at (sth./sby)

upp: bíta upp

[e-t] afgræsse fuldstændigt, ødelægge lay waste by over-grazing, destroy

C. bítask

1) bides, bide hinanden bite each other

2) [við e-t] [til e-s] bides, slås (med andet dyr) (for at opnå ngt) fight (with another animal) (in order to achieve sth.)

3) afgræsses, ved græsning ædes be cropped, be grazed

D. bítask + præp./adv.

í: bítask í

 ● bítask í hendr [e-m] [til e-s] strides med (ngn) (for at opnå ngt) enter into a conflict with (sby) (to obtain sth.)

um: bítask um

[!] bides, rende rundt og slås (som dyr) go around fighting (like animals)

Form.: bita (53); beit (44); bitr (33); bíta (33); bítr (18); bitu (14); bitit (10); bijta (5); bitiz (5); bitur (4); beít (4); bæit (4); bitinn (4); bitid (4); bítaz (4); bito (4); bitazt (3); bijtur (3); bitandi (2); bitv (2); bítandi (2); bitin (2); bitið (2); bizt (2); bituz (2); bitizt (2); bítask (2); bitaz (1); bitust (1); bite (1); biti (1); beith (1); bítur (1); bití (1); bitusk (1); bitna (1); bítizk (1); bítíð (1); byta (1); bithe (1); bítíz (1); bitín (1); Biti (1); bitvz (1); bę́itt (1); beítt (1); beitr (1); bitner (1); bitædh (1); Bitu (1); beist (1); béit (1); bítiz (1); bét (1); bízt (1);

Comp.: bak- (1), jafn- (2), sam- (2)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV item albitinn; ClVAdd _; ClVErr; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr item albitinn; FrErr1; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP; Med bitinn; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr; Fr4; NO item albitinn; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl item albitinn, cf. corr.; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 70; Gering 1916 [ANF 32] 15

Genre. (expected): family sagas [isl]: 58 (36); romances [rom]: 49 (30); religious works [rel]: 47 (78); legal works [jur]: 44 (28); historical works [his]: 41 (51); contemporary sagas [bis]: 18 (22); legendary sagas [fas]: 17 (13); learned works [div]: 12 (9); þættir [tot]: 4 (6); charters [dip]: 4 (23); unclassified [ ]: 1 (1);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose