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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


betri adj. compar. [superl. beztr/baztr; pos. → góðr adj.]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) [e-u/e-m] [e-s] [e-m] bedre, forholdsvis god, bedst (af to) better, relatively good, better (of two), preferable

   ‖ betri  [e-u/e-m] bedre (end ngt/ngn) better than (sth./sby):

   ‖ betri  [e-s] bedre (mht. ngt) better (with respect to sth.):

   ‖ betri  [e-m] bedre (for ngn) better (for sby):

   ‖ beztr  [e-s/e-ra/e-rra] [e-m] (superl.) bedst, fortrinlig best, most superior, excellent:

 ● betra en eigi

 ● hit bezta [e-s/e-rs] det bedste, bedste, (ngts/ngns) fordel the best, (sth’s/sby’s) advantage

 ● sitt bezta sit (eget) bedste, sin fordel one’s own best advantage

 ● hafa sín betri/beztu frammi gøre sit bedste do one’s best

2) [e-m] (rangmæssigt) højere placeret (end ngn), (socialt) betydeligere, fremstående, (relig.) højere (in terms of rank) higher placed (than sby), (socially) more important, prominent, (relig.) superior

   ‖ beztr  (superl.) (rangmæssigt) højest, (socialt) betydeligst, mest indflydelsesrig, prægtigst, (relig.) højest (in terms of rank) highest, (socially) most important, most influential, most magnificent, (relig.) highest:

 ● betri barns (begunstiget med barn ɔ:) gravid (cf. léttari barns) (favoured with a child ɔ:) pregnant

4) mere more

B. betra (n. sg. = adv.)

1) bedre better

2) hellere rather

C. bezta (superl. n. sg. = adv.)

 ● (hit) bezta særdeles godt, fortrinligt, på bedste vis exceptionally well, excellently, in the best possible way

Form.: betra (31); betri (25); bezta (14); bazta (11); beztr (10); baztr (8); betz (7); besta (7); beztu (7); bazti (6); bazt (4); bezstra (4); baztu (4); bezt (4); bazte (3); bettri (3); bætra (3); bætri (2); bæzstra (2); betre (2); bættri (2); bæzt (2); bezsta (2); batstan (2); bǫzto (2); bestu (2); beztar (1); bǫztu (1); betzr (1); betza (1); bozstu (1); bestztum (1); boztu (1); Betri (1); betztar (1); bezztu (1); betzu (1); betrom (1); bætzstu (1); bestræ (1); beztum (1); bazsta (1); batsta (1); bædztær (1); Betra (1); beztra (1); bæztr (1); Bættra (1); beztan (1); bezti (1); bo᷎zt (1); bestr (1); bestra (1); bættra (1); bæztu (1); bez (1); baþstra (1); batzte (1); bozstum (1); bæsto (1); bestv (1); bęztr (1); botst (1); batzta (1); bazsto (1); betztur (1); bꜹzt (1); bazsti (1); betrí (1); baztra (1); bætztum (1); bętri (1); bezstan (1); bæzsti (1); batst (1); beztv (1);

Gloss.: EJ batri; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr item baztr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _ „ góðr; LP _ „ góðr; Med item betz; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ item beztr; deVr (betr), item baztr, beztr; Fr4 item beztr; NO item bezta adv.; Walter _; ÁBlM item bestur; Bl item bestur, beztur; WPA _;

Litt.: Bø 1956 [KLNM 1] 106; Finnur Jónsson 1921 (KultSprog) 309-310; Grøtvedt 1939 25, 120; Heidermanns 1993 118-119; Helle 1972 passim; Housken 1954 [ANF 69] 27; Hægstad 1899 49, 77; Hægstad 1915 12, 19, 58; Lundeby 1947 [ANF 62] 39; Seip 1956 [ANF 71] 245; Sverrir Tómasson 1988 [Rit 33] 314

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 62 (58); legal works [jur]: 38 (21); family sagas [isl]: 27 (26); historical works [his]: 26 (38); charters [dip]: 22 (17); romances [rom]: 16 (22); contemporary sagas [bis]: 11 (16); learned works [div]: 10 (7); legendary sagas [fas]: 5 (9); þættir [tot]: 2 (5); unclassified [ ]: 0 (1);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose