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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


tíund sb. f. [-ar; -ir]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) [af e-u] (jur.) tiende

     (propr. comp.) :

 ● gefa tíund [af e-u]

 ● gera tíund (sína) [af e-u]

 ● gjalda tíund (sína) [af e-u]

 ● leggja tíund (sína) [af e-u]

 ● lúka tíund (sína) [af e-u] [e-m / til e-s(hum.)]

 ● norrǿn tíund

 ● skifta tíund [í e-t]

 ● taka tíund [e-rs]

2) [ór e-u] (jur.) (tiendedel af ens samlede formue, som ngn må donere uden arvingernes samtykke ɔ:) hovedtiende

cf. Vilhjálmur Finsen 1883 682; Dennis, Foote & Perkins 2000 398-399

 ● tíund hin meiri

cf. Magnús Stefánsson 1974 [KLNM 18] 290-291

Form.: tiund (34); tiundir (13); tiunder (6); tiundar (6); tivnd (5); tíund (3); tiundirnar (2); tyund (2); tíundir (2); tyundæna (2); tivndir (2); tijund (2); tighiund (2); tíundír (2); tivnder (1); tivndar (1); tiondom (1); tighiundir (1); tíunda (1); tivnð (1); tíunder (1); tiundernar (1); Tiundir (1); tiundir (1); tyunder (1); tivnnd (1); tíuɴd (1); tivndeʀnaʀ (1); Tivnd (1); tíundena (1); tiundom (1); tiundina (1); tiundum (1); tiund (1); tíundum (1); tighiunder (1);

Comp.: -akrs-, akr- (2), alnar- (1), á·vaxtar- (4), báta- (2), bónda- (1), búanda- (1), byskups- (16), -elðis-, eyris- (5), fiska- (4), garða- (2), guðs- (2), guð- (1), haust- (2), heima·manna- (5), heima- (6), hlutar·korns- (2), hnata- (1), hval- (6), hǫfuð- (9), járn- (1), kaup·manna- (1), kirkju- (13), kirkna- (4), korn- (2), kýr·leigu- (2), lagar- (1), lǫg- (5), ó·maga- (1), osta- (2), páfa- (12), prests- (4), prest- (7), sel- (3), skiftingar- (3), skifti- (13), skinna- (1), skip- (1), skreiðar- (9), smá- (7), ullar- (2), vár- (2), viðr·elðis- (2), þriðjungs- (1), þurfa·manna- (3), þurfa- (1), þurfu·manna- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM item (⁴-und); Bl item cf. corr.; WPA _;

Litt.: Dennis, Foote & Perkins 2000 385, 398; Gerhold 2002 12, 77, 81, 98, 100, 112, 145-; Grøtvedt 1939 103; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 1997 (Tíund) 57-64; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 80,89-90,117,135-6,180,185-7et; Hægstad 1902 6; Hødnebø 1966 [KLNM 11] 45; Magnús M. Lárusson 1958 [KLNM 3] 233; Magnús Stefánsson 1974 [KLNM 18] 290 f.; Males 2013 [VMS 9] 114; Maurer 1907ᴵ 182, 184, 194, 311, 381 ...; Maurer 1907ᴵᴵ 48; Maurer 1908 (Kirch) 61, 75-78, 80, 214, 273 ...; Maurer 1908 (Verw) 310-311; Maurer 1909 197, 289, 398, 463, 467 ...; Maurer 1910 106, 249, 251, 255, 291 ...; Pirinen 1959 [KLNM 4] 203; Seip 1955 172, 299; Vilhjálmur Finsen 1883 681-682

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 44 (10); charters [dip]: 20 (8); religious works [rel]: 18 (27); contemporary sagas [bis]: 12 (8); historical works [his]: 10 (18); þættir [tot]: 1 (2); learned works [div]: 0 (3); family sagas [isl]: 0 (12); unclassified [ ]: 0 (0); romances [rom]: 0 (11); legendary sagas [fas]: 0 (4);

SB (red.) — January 2015

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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tími - tjalga
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose