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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


1tíð sb. f. [-ar; -ir]

(cf. tíð sb. n., tíðr sb. m.) 1tíð sb. f. [284] 2tíð sb. n. [2] 1tíðr sb. m. [56]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

I. A.

1) [e-s] tid (for ngt), tidspunkt, tidsrum

 ● á nøkkurri tíð

 ● á þeirri tíð

 ● á þessi tíð

2) (tids)periode, levetid, liv

3) tiden (mods. evigheden), den skabte verden, tidsregning

 ● fyrir tíðir

4) verdensalder, tidsalder, epoke

5) højtid

 ● helgar tíðir

6) den rette tid

7) gang

8) (om et bestemt tidspunkts vilkår/omstændigheder) sæson

9) time (på døgnet)

 ● tíð dags

10) (pl. tíðir) tidebønner (lat. horae canonicae), (spec.) gudstjeneste, messe

cf. Molland 1974 [KLNM 18] 264-268

     (propr. comp.) :

 ● fara/ganga/koma til tíða

 ● hlýða tíðum

 ● kaupa tíðir [at e-m]

 ● lúka tíðum

 ● syngva tíðir [yfir e-u] [e-m]

 ● sǿkja tíðir

 ● veita tíðir [e-m]

11) (om en enkelt tidebøn)

12) (pl. tíðir) menstruation

13) (gramm.) en stavelses tid, kvantitet

14*) (gramm.) ?rytme, ?(en stavelses) kvantitet (cf. Faulkes 1991 11³² note p. 53), ?endelse (cf. Fr4 & Finnur Jónsson 1929 [ANF 45] 249)

15) (gramm.) tempus

16) tidsenhed

17) 3/4 time (cf. tungltíð sb. f.)

I. B. tíðar (gen. sg. = adv.)

?i tidens løb

II. (y. no.)

Form.: tid (40); tiðir (34); tið (27); tidir (20); tíðir (18); tider (11); tiðum (11); tiþ (9); tíþ (8); tíðum (8); tidar (7); tida (5); tíþer (5); tiþir (5); tiðer (4); tijd (4); tidum (4); tiþar (4); tiþum (3); tiþa (3); tiþvm (3); tijder (3); tíð (3); tiða (3); tiþom (3); tiþer (3); tidvm (2); tiðvm (2); tíðirnar (2); thidvm (2); tyder (2); tijda (2); tíþa (2); tíþar (2); tijdum (2); tíða (2); tíȷ́d (2); tiðom (1); tíþom (1); tidunum (1); tiðunum (1); Tider (1); Tid (1); Tíða (1); tíd (1); tid◃a (1); tidhonne (1); tiþernar (1); fall (1); tidinni (1); tidha (1); tiðanna (1); tidernar (1); tiðirnar (1); Tiþ (1); tiðar (1);

Comp.: aftan(s)·sǫngs- (4), aftans- (1), aftan- (2), and·láts- (8), ár- (43), birtinga- (1), blóð·falls- (2), boðanar- (3), brund- (4), brǿðra- (1), burðar- (49), dag·mála- (3), dags- (3), dag- (14), dauða- (1), dauðs- (5), egg- (1), ei·lífis- (1), elli- (2), eykðar- (1), eymðar- (1), fagnaðar- (6), fangs- (2), fang- (1), fiski- (1), for·verks- (1), freistanar- (1), fyrr- (4), fǿðingar- (1), fǫstu- (18), getaðar- (1), getnaðar- (4), gildis- (2), graftar- (1), griða- (2), há- (91), heilsu- (1), heim·ferðar- (1), heimilis- (5), helga·ands- (1), hrǽzlu- (1), hǫfuð- (1), iðranar- (1), jóla- (11), jól- (1), kaup- (4), korn·skurðar- (1), kross- (1), kvala- (1), kveld·sǫngs- (1), kveld- (1), laga- (2), land·náma- (8), lausnar- (1), lífs- (1), lýsingar- (1), lǫg- (2), mál- (29), megin- (1), mein·lǽtis- (1), merki- (1), messu- (1), miðs·aftans- (1), miðs·morgins- (2), mis·kunnar- (7), morgin- (14), nám- (1), náttar- (1), nátt·sǫngs- (1), nátt- (2), nátt·verðar- (4), nón- (10), ó·muna- (1), orrustu- (5), ó- (9), óttu·sǫngs- (5), óttu- (4), páska- (14), píningar- (3), pínings- (1), píslar- (9), príma- (6), sáð- (1), sálar- (1), sála- (4), sálu- (43), sjau- (1), skírnar- (1), sól- (1), stekk- (1), stór·merkis- (1), sumar- (1), svefn- (1), tolf·mánaða- (6), tungl- (3), upp·numningar- (1), upp·risu- (14), upp·stigningar- (1), vanda- (1), varnaðar- (1), vár- (1), ver- (4), vetrar- (2), þrøngvingar- (1), ǿsku- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen pl.; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer -þ- pl.; Anm _; Bin _; Rím f. & m.; LP; Med -id; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM & pl.; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Finnur Jónsson 1929 [ANF 45] 249; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 234; Gurevich 1970 [MSc 2] 48; Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir 2000 159; Hastrup 1985 67; Johannisson 1943 (Afton) 72 n. 1; Molland 1974 [KLNM 18] 264-268; Seip 1955 187, 190; Veturliði Óskarsson 2003 [BA 43] 201; Veturliði Óskarsson 2003 [BA 43] 94; Walter 1976 132-134; Ásdís Egilsdóttir 2000 245

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 141 (76); contemporary sagas [bis]: 34 (21); legal works [jur]: 31 (27); historical works [his]: 31 (50); romances [rom]: 17 (30); family sagas [isl]: 11 (34); charters [dip]: 10 (22); þættir [tot]: 7 (6); legendary sagas [fas]: 4 (12); learned works [div]: 2 (9); unclassified [ ]: 1 (1);

SB (red.) — September 2014

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose