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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


steinn sb. m. [steins; steinar]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) (stor) sten, kampesten, klippe, klippeblok

     (propr. comp.) :

 ● hefr eigi ór steini [fyrir e-m] [um e-t]

 ● vera steini lostinn

 ● koma (á) milli steins ok sleggju

 ● stallar ok steinar

 ● stokkr/stokkar ok/eða steinn/steinar

 ● taka stein um megn sér, kasta steini um megn sér

 ● þegja sem steinn

2) (om sten i landskabet som angiver afstand el. grænse) mærkesten, grænsesten

3) (om sten/klippe som bolig for dværge)

4) stenbygning, stenhus, kloster, fængsel

 ● setjask/ganga í stein

5) stenalter

6) ædelsten, perle, sten m. overnaturlige kræfter, ?tryllesten

7) øjesten

8) sten i blære, nyresten

9) farvestof, farve, maling

10) (bismer)vægt

11) potte (af brændt ler?)

II. (y. no.)

III. (propr. pers.)

IV. (propr. topogr.)

Form.: stein (65); steinn (41); steini (37); steina (20); steinar (16); steinum (14); steín (13); steins (12); steininum (8); stæin (6); steinninn (6); stæini (4); stæina (4); steine (4); Steinn (4); steinom (3); stæinum (3); steinsins (2); steirn (2); steiɴ (2); Steiɴ (2); stenni (2); steinarnir (2); steinin (2); steinvm (2); steína (2); stéiɴ (2); stéinar (2); steyrn (1); stene (1); stæinn (1); steínum (1); stæinenn (1); Steini (1); steinvm (1); stéine (1); steininom (1); steinni (1); steinana (1); steinj (1); steíni (1); steínn (1); stęinn (1); steíne (1); steiɴiɴ (1); stæinomenom (1); stéinom (1); Steins (1); Stéinar (1); steininn (1); steíɴ (1); stemnan (1); steininvm (1); steínar (1); stæinar (1); steinz (1);

Comp.: adamas- (1), á·gǽta- (1), á·gǽtis- (1), altara- (4), altaris- (23), auga- (6), augna- (1), aug- (1), augu- (1), bautaðar- (1), bauta- (11), bjarg- (2), blik- (1), blóð- (2), blý- (1), blǫðru- (2), bóka- (1), bónda- (1), brá- (1), bratt- (1), brennu- (40), brim- (4), brún- (1), brú- (2), byrðu- (1), carbunculi- (4), carbunculus- (3), dóm- (1), drang- (5), eðil- (1), egg- (1), eldingar- (1), festar- (1), fingr·gulls- (1), fjǫru- (3), flat- (1), flúr- (1), fulltings- (4), gim- (67), gler- (2), grá- (5), grjót- (5), gull- (1), hagl- (4), harð- (23), hellu- (12), hjalpar- (1), horn- (4), hrím- (1), hverfi- (1), hverfu- (2), hyrnu- (2), hǫfuð- (2), klofa- (11), klǫppu- (2), kvern- (9), kǫppu- (2), lausnar- (1), leg- (11), leiðar- (4), leið·sǫgu- (2), lendingar- (2), lyf- (8), lýju- (1), lýrittar- (1), lýsi- (1), mála- (2), malmara- (2), mál- (1), marka- (1), mark- (20), marmara- (21), merki(s)- (3), múr- (1), mylnu- (1), náttúru- (21), nef- (2), raufar- (1), salt- (3), sigr- (5), skarð- (2), skírnar- (2), skor- (2), skot- (1), skǫfnungs- (1), slíki- (3), slíkju- (1), slíku- (1), sløngu- (2), smá- (3), sólar- (17), steðja- (1), svǫlu- (1), tigl- (2), tjald- (2), tǫlgu- (1), vápn- (2), vatn(s)- (2), þvátt- (3)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV ¹,²steinn; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin item -steinn; Rím; LP; Med; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl item cf. corr.; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Alver 1962 [KLNM 7] 324; Bø 1956 [KLNM 1] 132; Bø 1961 [KLNM 6] 654; Falk 1919 44; Olsson 1963 [KLNM 8] 625; Schach 1972 508; Seip 1955 29f, 38-42, 66f, 86, 188; Skårup 1980 [Gripla 4] 71; Skårup 1991 [Opusc 9] 98; Torfing 2012 [Gripla 23] 325; Trætteberg 1961 [KLNM 6] 471; Wallem 1910 63

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 76 (78); romances [rom]: 67 (30); historical works [his]: 36 (51); family sagas [isl]: 31 (35); learned works [div]: 27 (9); legendary sagas [fas]: 20 (12); legal works [jur]: 16 (28); charters [dip]: 15 (23); contemporary sagas [bis]: 14 (21); þættir [tot]: 6 (6); unclassified [ ]: 2 (1);

ÞH (red.) — March 2014

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

This uses metadata and images from

stálviðr - steinn
steinn - stigi
ONP’s data is licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0, excluding images of editions and manuscripts, and content under ‘External (non-ONP) resources’ in dictionary entries.
Dictionary of Old Norse Prose