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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


bar·dagi sb. m. [-a; -ar]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) slag, prygl, pisk, voldeligt angreb, voldshandling blow, beating, flogging, violent attack, act of violence

 ● bǫnd ok bardagi

2) [við e-n / yfir e-m / yfir e-t] [fyrir e-t] straf (straffende slag; ofte fra gud), prøvelse, lidelse, plage (undertiden om sygdom) punishment, chastisement (often by God), trial, affliction, scourge (sometimes of illness)

3) [við e-n / með e-jum / í/á mót(i) e-m/e-u / upp á e-t] kamp battle

 ● ásar bardagi ?“asens kamp” (ɔ: stjernebilledet Kusken, lat. Auriga; sands. refererende til Þórr’s kørsel over himmelhvælvingen) ?“the Æsir’s battle” (ɔ: the constellation Charioteer, lat. Auriga; prob. with reference to Þórr’s ride across the heavens)

 ● hlaupa/... með bráðum bardaga [á e-n] foretage overraskelsesangreb (på ngn) make a surprise attack (on sby)

4) ?tilbageslag i kamp ?set-back in a battle

cf. simplex -dagi (0)

Form.: bardaga (76); bardagi (19); bardage (5); bardagann (5); bardagha (4); bardaganum (4); bardagar (3); bardagans (2); bardogum (2); barðaga (2); bardaginn (2); Bardagi (2); bardo᷎gum (1); barðdaga (1); bardaganvm (1); ba̋rdaga (1); (1); bardaganvm (1); bardaghan (1); bardǫgom (1); Bardaga (1); bard▹a◃ge (1); bardagum (1); barðagha (1); barðagann (1); bardǫgvm (1); bardavgvm (1);

Comp.: brǿðra- (1), folk- (1), mel·rakka·hóls·bardagi (1), ráðningar- (1), riddara- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _; LP; Med; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 67-8, 288; Tarsi 2022 223

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 59 (37); historical works [his]: 24 (24); romances [rom]: 20 (14); legal works [jur]: 11 (13); family sagas [isl]: 9 (17); contemporary sagas [bis]: 8 (10); þættir [tot]: 4 (3); learned works [div]: 3 (4); charters [dip]: 2 (11); unclassified [ ]: 1 (1); legendary sagas [fas]: 0 (6);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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bann - barmfagr
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose