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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


3heill adj. [heilan; compar. heilli, superl. -astr/-str]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) hel, intakt, fuld, fuldstændig, uskadt, lydefri

 ● halda heilu [e-u]

 ● heill ok haldinn

 ● heill ok óskaddr/...

 ● heil sǿmð

 ● aka heim heilum vagni (proverb.; cf. FJOrdspr 196, GerSprichw 13) (komme hjem med hel vogn ɔ:) komme helskindet ud af en situation (drive home with one’s cart intact ɔ:) “get home safely”

 ● at heilu

 ● með fullu ok heilu

 ● halda heilu, heldr heilu

 ● með heilu [e-u]

 ● með heilu ok hǫldnu [e-u]

2) (om penge)

 ● heill (ok halfr/...) penningr

3) (om tal/størrelse/måleenhed) som ikke er opdelt, ubeskåret, fuld

 ● koma láni heilu heim

4) (om tid)

5) stille, med glat/ubrudt overflade

6) [e-s / af e-u / frá e-u] [at e-u] sund, rask, helet, helbredt, ved sine fulde fem

 ● grǿða heilt [e-t]

 ● halda heilum [sér/e-m]

 ● heill ok haldinn/...

 ● heill á hófi

 ● vel/illa/... heill som har et godt/dårligt helbred

 ● heill ok óskaddr/... [af e-u]

 ● heill at samvizku/...

 ● heill at viti

 ● binda um heilt

 ● búa um heilt [við e-n]

 ● gróa at heilu

 ● grǿða at heilu [e-n/e-t]

 ● grǿr heilt [um !] [með e-jum] (n. sg. = adv.)

7) [e-s] ikke gravid

8) [af e-u] frelst

 ● heill ok hjalpaðr

9) lykkelig, heldig

 ● er heilt [með e-jum]

10) (i velkomst el. afskedshilsen, i lovprisende tiltale (især i superlativ)) vær hilset, velkommen, lev vel

 ● (allra) manna/... heilastr

 ● biðja heilan (koma/fara) [e-n]

 ● biðja (vel fara ok) heila hittask [e-ja]

 ● biðja heilan sofa [e-n]

 ● far heill (ok vel/...)

 ● lif (vel ok) heill

 ● mǽl/tala heill

 ● njót heill handa

 ● seg heill sögu

 ● sit heill

 ● ek svá heill

 ● heill svá

 ● heill ok/... sæll

 ● ver halfu (at) heilli vær priset

11) [e-m] [til e-s] loyal, oprigtig, venligsindet, velment

 ● í/með heilum fortǫlum

 ● heill ok hollr

 ● af heilum hug

 ● heill at hug

 ● heill hugi/hugr

 ● heill í hug

 ● með heilum hug

 ● til heils hugar [e-rs] [við e-n]

 ● heilt ráð/...

 ● heilar sáttir/sǽttir [við e-n]

 ● sǽtta [e-ja] heilum sáttum, sǽttask (með) heilum sáttum [við e-ja / sín á millil]

 ● sǽttask heilir

 ● af heilu

 ● sǽttask at heilu

 ● med heilu

 ● heilt (n. sg. = adv.)

 ● ráða heilt [e-m]

12) (om passende giftermål)

13*) ?som har ret/tilladelse til

II. (y. isl.)

III. (y. no.)

Form.: heill (172); heil (69); heilu (49); heillt (36); heilum (36); heilir (29); heilan (28); heila (25); heilt (19); hæill (16); Heill (15); hæilu (11); hæil (11); hæilum (9); heilar (9); heilla (8); heiler (8); heilv (8); heíll (6); heilli (6); hæilan (6); heilom (5); hæillt (5); hæilir (5); heilann (5); Heil (5); heilvm (4); hæila (4); héilan (4); hæilla (4); heilaztr (4); heilo (4); héill (4); heille (3); heillar (3); Heilir (3); hæilt (3); heilastr (3); heils (3); heilastan (2); hæilo (2); hæilazstr (2); Hæilir (2); hellt (2); hęilan (2); heilltt (2); heíllt (2); hęil (2); hella (1); hilu (1); hęill (1); heyl (1); héilir (1); heílstan (1); hælastr (1); heilaztur (1); Heilar (1); héil (1); hæille (1); hęillt (1); hæilli (1); hæillar (1); hiela (1); Hæill (1); hæils (1); hæilra (1); helir (1); hælir (1); halfuann (1); heílvm (1); Heillt (1); halfu (1); heill (1); hæilaster (1); heillí (1); heiltt (1); heilumm (1); Heilli (1); heílum (1); heílaztr (1); heilaztʀ (1); hell (1); héilom (1); hæillan (1); héillt (1); hǽil (1); heil▹u◃ (1);

Comp.: augna- (2), bak- (1), brjóst- (1), eyrna- (2), fót- (2), heyrna- (1), ís- (2), legg- (1), lim- (1), mann- (1), mat- (2), ó- (11), van- (43)

Gloss.: EJ ³heill; ClV item alheill, (jafn) jafnheill; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 alheill; Finsen _; Fr item alheill; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb item jafnheill; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP; Med item hilu dat. sg. n. / adv.; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4 item jafnheill; NO item alheill, jafnheill; Walter; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Baetke 1942 passim; Bandle 1956 [BA 17] 101, 148; Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 93; Gering 1916 [ANF 32] 8; Heidermanns 1993 267-268; Hreinn Benediktsson 1960 [ÍT 2] 75-76; Hægstad 1899 77; Kaiser 1998 92; Lundeby 1947 [ANF 62] 79; Matthiessen 1962 [KLNM 7] 126; Nygaard 1917 7; Reuter 1933 [ANF 49] 43-47; Seip 1955 145, 262; Stefán Einarsson 1959 [ÍT 1] 120-123; Sverdrup 1911 [ANF 27] 27; Walter 1976 135-136; Weiser-Aall 1963 [KLNM 8] 8

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 180 (178); historical works [his]: 104 (116); family sagas [isl]: 102 (81); romances [rom]: 73 (69); contemporary sagas [bis]: 64 (49); charters [dip]: 55 (51); legendary sagas [fas]: 47 (28); legal works [jur]: 43 (64); þættir [tot]: 18 (15); learned works [div]: 11 (21); unclassified [ ]: 0 (3);

AS (red.) — March 2017

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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heilagr - heim
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose