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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


1byskup (spec.: -skøp- GrgKonᴵ 19²⁴) sb. m. [-s/-(cf. Gjøstein 1934 [ANF 50], 92-93), dat. -i/-; -ar]

(cf. byskup sb. n., byskupr sb. m.) 1byskup sb. m. [465] 2byskup sb. n. [2] byskupr sb. m. [30]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) biskop, kirkeligt overhoved (inden for den kristne kirke) bishop, ecclesiastical leader (in the Christian Church)

 ● hinn hǽsti byskup

 ● Rómaborgar byskup, rómverskr byskup biskoppen i Rom ɔ: paven the bishop in Rome ɔ: the pope

2) (om hirdbiskop of a bishop at a king’s court)

3) (om udenlandsk biskop i Norge/Island of a foreign bishop in Norway/Iceland)

4) (om ærkebiskop of an archbishop)

5) (om ærkebiskop/patriark of an archbishop/patriarch)

6) [e-rra / yfir e-jum] jødisk ypperstepræst Jewish high priest

7) [e-s] hedensk (græsk/indisk) religiøst overhoved, tempelpræst heathen (Greek/Indian) religious leader, temple priest

II. (cogn.)

Form.: biskup (57); byskup (40); biscop (32); byscop (31); biskupi (29); biscup (25); biskups (22); byskups (21); byscops (18); byscup (12); byscups (11); byskupi (9); byskupa (9); byscopi (8); byscupi (8); byskupar (8); byskvp (7); biskupa (6); biskupar (5); byscopa (5); biscupi (5); byscopar (4); biscope (4); Byskup (3); biskopar (3); biscopar (3); biskupanna (3); Biskupar (3); byscopom (3); biscops (3); biskupinn (3); biskopa (3); byskupum (3); biskupe (2); byskops (2); byskupunum (2); byskop (2); Biscup (2); biscups (2); biskopi (2); byskupinum (2); byscupa (2); biskupinum (2); byscupar (2); biskupum (2); byskvpar (2); bẏskop (2); byskvps (2); biscopi (2); byskupom (2); Byscops (1); byskupanna (1); biscopanna (1); biskop (1); byskøpi (1); Byskop (1); bvscop (1); Biscop (1); byskopa (1); Biskupa (1); byskopi (1); biscopom (1); Biskup (1); Biskups (1); byskupz (1); bẏskupinum (1); byskvpa (1); biskops (1); Bysckop (1); Bvscop (1); byskope (1); Byskopa (1); biscupa (1); biscopunum (1); byskupana (1); byscuparnir (1); Byscop (1); byskupinn (1);

Comp.: arki- (2), blót- (24), bǿjar- (1), eigin- (1), eignar- (2), erki- (169), fǽr·eyinga- (1), grǿn·lendinga- (7), gyðinga- (1), hirð- (7), hǫfuð- (1), ís·lendinga- (1), léns- (1), ljóð- (37), lýð- (36), mǫr- (1), norð·lendinga- (2), sam- (1), staðar- (2), undir- (8), veraldar- (1), villi- (1), villu- (3), yfir- (9)

Gloss.: EJ (biskup); ClV -i-; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen; Fr item biskup; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb (biskup); HertzbLat _; HertzbTill -i-; Suppl4 _; Fischer (biskup); Anm _; Bin item -biskup; Rím _; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr (biskup); Fr4 -i-; NO item biskup; Walter _; ÁBlM -i-; Bl (biskup); WPA _;

Litt.: Bagge 1974 [ANF 89] 181; Dennis, Foote & Perkins 2000 368; Fell 1973 [MSc 6] 104; Gallén/Pirinen 1956 [KLNM 1] 610-625; Gjøstein 1934 [ANF 50] 92-93; Grøtvedt 1939 92; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 21,34,49-51,59,63,84,87,89; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 52; Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir 2000 164, 168-169, 200; Hamre 1958 [KLNM 3] 36; Housken 1954 [ANF 69] 15; Hægstad 1899 54; Hægstad 1915 48; Hægstad 1915 79; Hægstad 1916 157; Hødnebø 1966 [KLNM 11] 44; Jansson 1940 [ANF 55] 156; Kahle 1890 348; Lundeby 1947 [ANF 62] 49; Maurer 1907ᴵ 69; Maurer 1908 (Kirch) 212-224; Nielsen 1977 [Opusc 2:2] 180-181; Pirinen 1956 [KLNM 1] 619-621; Sturtevant 1946-1946 [SS 19] 215-216; Tarsi 2022 30, 94, 189; Veturliði Óskarsson 2003 [BA 43] 42, 106

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 290 (44); historical works [his]: 62 (81); religious works [rel]: 51 (124); contemporary sagas [bis]: 48 (34); charters [dip]: 8 (36); romances [rom]: 3 (48); þættir [tot]: 3 (10); unclassified [ ]: 2 (2); family sagas [isl]: 1 (56); learned works [div]: 0 (14); legendary sagas [fas]: 0 (20);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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byrskíð - bÙn
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose