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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


bróðir sb. m. [bróður/brǿðr/bróðurs, dat. bróður/brǿðr/breðr, acc. bróður/brǿðr; brǿðr/bróðr/breðr (brǿðrirnir Jvs291 75¹⁴), gen. brǿðra/bróðra]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) bror brother

 ● burr eða bróðir

2) (om plejebror el. fostbroder of an adoptive brother or blood-brother)

3) (om nær mandlig slægtning of a close male relative)

4) (i forb. m. åndeligt/kristeligt broderskab in conn. with spiritual/Christian brotherhood)

5) (om medlem af (munke)orden) broder, munk, kannik (of a member of a (monastic) order) brother, monk, canon

 ● inn at/fyrir/til brǿðra ved (klosteret tilhørende) brødrene indenfor (ɔ: minoritterne/franciskanerne i Bergen, hvis kloster lå inde i byen, cf. Lange 1856, 339-340) at (the house of) the brothers within the town boundaries (ɔ: the Minorites/Franciscans in Bergen)

 ● út at/til brǿðra ved (klosteret tilhørende) brødrene udenfor (ɔ: prædikebrødrene el. dominikanerne i Bergen, hvis kloster lå uden for byen, cf. Lange 1856, 329) at (the monastery of) the brothers outside the town boundaries (ɔ: the Dominican friars in Bergen)

6) [til e-s] (om person, der er medlem af et klosterfællesskab uden at have aflagt ordensløfte (cf. brǿðralag sb. n. def. 4) of an associated, but not professed, member of a monastic community)

7) (om anden prælat of a fellow prelate)

8) (om medlem af gilde/lav of a member of a guild)

9) fælle, kammerat comrade

II. (cogn.)

Form.: broðer (27); brodir (25); bræðr (24); bróðir (22); brꝍðr (22); brædr (15); bro᷎ðr (13); broder (12); bróður (12); brøðr (11); broðir (11); broðor (10); brædra (7); brœðr (7); Bróðir (7); broður (7); breðr (6); bróþer (6); brœdra (6); brꝍðrom (6); brꝍðra (5); bróðor (5); brodur (5); brœdranna (4); brodr (4); broþvr (4); brœðra (4); broðr (3); brœðrom (3); bróþor (3); brǫðr (3); brodor (3); brꝍdrom (3); brodurnum (3); bræðrum (3); brædrum (3); bro᷎ðra (3); bróðer (3); broþir (3); Broðir (2); brœdr (2); brødr (2); brodrs (2); broðvr (2); bræðra (2); brodrsins (2); brodhra (2); brodurs (2); broðra (2); brodher (2); brædrnir (2); brœðrum (2); bręþr (1); bræðrna (1); breþur (1); brꜵðr (1); brœdena (1); bræðrom (1); brøður (1); brꝍdr (1); bro᷎þr (1); Brodvr (1); brǫ́ðr (1); brꝍdrenne (1); broðrvm (1); bréoþr (1); bræðvrnir (1); Brodirinn (1); brædranna (1); bro᷎dir (1); brędra (1); bróþir (1); broþor (1); breþrvm (1); brøþrirnir (1); brœdrom (1); broðors (1); broðurs (1); bro᷎der (1); broþur (1); brædur (1); brodurinn (1); brodirinn (1); brodær (1); brœder (1); bróðr (1); brædurna (1); bre᷎dr (1); bredra (1); brodursins (1); brodurins (1); brꝍdra (1); Brædr (1); breþr (1); brodvrin (1); Broðer (1); brœde (1); bro᷎dher (1); Bróðer (1); brodrnir (1); bro᷎dr (1); Broder (1); brodhir (1); bredrnir (1); brøþr (1); breðra (1); bręðr (1);

Comp.: ábóta- (1), bar·fǿta- (2), ber·fóta- (1), ber·fǿta- (9), byskups- (3), conventis- (2), eið- (8), eignar- (1), ein·setu- (1), fals- (4), fé·lags- (1), fóst- (42), fóstr- (4), fǫður- (29), gilda- (1), gild- (2), gildis- (1), half- (1), hefndar- (1), hensa- (1), hirð- (6), hvirfings- (2), kapellu- (1), kapítula- (3), klaustra- (1), klaustr- (1), kolls- (1), kommúns- (2), kommúns·kórs- (5), konungs- (11), konventu- (17), kór- (3), kórs- (35), leik- (5), leik- (2), leiks- (1), lǫg- (1), með- (1), messu- (1), móður- (26), munka- (1), predika- (1), predikara- (8), prest- (5), príors- (1), ref·hvarfa- (1), reglu- (7), sam- (21), sel·nasa- (1), skóla- (9), smá- (1), spítala- (3), spítals- (1), stall- (13), svara- (10), svar- (1), svari- (2), templum- (1), veð- (4), ver- (2), vígslu- (1), ǫmmu- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin; Rím; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Björn M. Ólsen 1886 [ANOH 1886] 193-194; Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 72; Gjøstein 1934 [ANF 50] 95-96; Grøtvedt 1939 122; Hastrup 1985 76-77; Hægstad 1915 46, 52; Hægstad 1916 40; Jansson 1958 [KLNM 3] 121; Kuhn 1954 [APS 22] 69; Kuhn 1954 [APS 22] 69-70; Lange 1856 329, 339-340; Magnús M. Lárusson 1961 [KLNM 6] 511; Sigurður Líndal 1976 [KLNM 20] 591-592; Tarsi 2022 196; Walter 1976 68

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 135 (38); religious works [rel]: 75 (106); historical works [his]: 53 (69); family sagas [isl]: 48 (48); charters [dip]: 38 (31); contemporary sagas [bis]: 22 (29); romances [rom]: 12 (41); learned works [div]: 8 (12); legendary sagas [fas]: 8 (17); unclassified [ ]: 5 (2); þættir [tot]: 0 (9);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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brjóta - bróðursonr
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose