bókagerð (noun f.) ‘°(the handicraft of) making a book; writing of books, authorship, literary production’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- AnnL —
bokagiord ‘(the handicraft of) making a book’l. 191
- AugA —
bokagerd ‘writing of books, authorship, literary production’l. 227
- AugB —
bokagerd ‘writing of books, authorship, literary production’l. 229
- JBpA(2003) —
boka giorð ‘writing of books, authorship, literary production’l. 8465
- Jón4 —
bokagiorð ‘writing of books, authorship, literary production’l. 8527
- LBpA —
b[oka] giorda ‘writing of books, authorship, literary production’l. 8916
- elements in compounds