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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. I. Poetry for Scandinavian Rulers 1: From Mythological Times to c. 1035 5. Sigla used in this volume 3. Sigla for Manuscripts used in the Editions of this Volume

3. Sigla for Manuscripts used in the Editions of this Volume

Tarrin Wills 2012, ‘Sigla for Manuscripts used in the Editions of this Volume’ in Diana Whaley (ed.), Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 1: From Mythical Times to c. 1035. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 1. Turnhout: Brepols [check printed volume for citation].

4-7 — DG 4-7

7 — Holm perg 7 4°

20dˣAM 20 d folˣ

20i 23ˣAM 20 i 23 folˣ

22ˣHolm papp 22 folˣ

39 — AM 39 fol

41ˣHolm papp 41 4°ˣ

49ˣAM 49 folˣ

51ˣAM 51 folˣ

52ˣAM 52 folˣ

53 — AM 53 fol

54 — AM 54 fol

61 — AM 61 fol

62 — AM 62 fol

65ˣAM 65 folˣ

67aˣAM 67 a folˣ

67bˣAM 67 b folˣ

68 — AM 68 fol

71ˣAM 71 folˣ

73aˣAM 73 a folˣ

75a — AM 75 a fol (Bæjarbók í Borgarfirði)

75c — AM 75 c fol

75e 4 — AM 75 e 4 fol

76aˣAM 76 a folˣ

78aˣAM 78 a folˣ

100ˣHolm papp 100 folˣ

141ˣAM 141 folˣ

142ˣAM 142 folˣ

147 — AM 147 4° (Heynessbók)

158 8°ˣAM 158 8°ˣ

177ˣ — AM 177 folˣ

178ˣAM 178 folˣ

291 — AM 291 4°

292ˣAM 292 4°ˣ

301ˣAM 301 4°ˣ

302ˣAM 302 4°ˣ

307ˣAM 307 4°ˣ

310 — AM 310 4°

321ˣAM 321 4°ˣ

325V — AM 325 V 4°

325VI — AM 325 VI 4°

325VII — AM 325 VII 4°

325VIII 1 — AM 325 VIII 1 4°

325VIII 2 a — AM 325 VIII 2 a 4°

325VIII 2 b — AM 325 VIII 2 b 4°

325VIII 2 g — AM 325 VIII 2 g 4°

325IX 1 a — AM 325 IX 1 a 4°

325IX 1 bˣAM 325 IX 1 b 4°ˣ

325IX 2 — AM 325 IX 2 4°

325XI 1 — AM 325 XI 1 4°

325XI 2 b — AM 325 XI 2 b 4°

325XI 2 g — AM 325 XI 2 g 4°

325XI 2 i — AM 325 XI 2 i 4°

325XI 2 l — AM 325 XI 2 l 4°

325XI 2 n — AM 325 XI 2 n 4°

325XI 2 p — AM 325 XI 2 p 4°

332ˣAM 332 4°ˣ

453ˣAM 453 4°ˣ (Ketilsbók)

462ˣAM 462 4°ˣ

510 — AM 510 4°

521ˣOsloUB 521 folˣ

563aˣAM 563 a 4°ˣ

566aˣAM 566 a 4°ˣ

743ˣAM 743 4°ˣ

744ˣAM 744 4°ˣ

761aˣAM 761 a 4°ˣ

761bˣAM 761 b 4°ˣ

873ˣNKS 873 4°ˣ

972ˣThott 972 folˣ

2368ˣGKS 2368 4°ˣ

4867ˣBLAdd 4867ˣ

A — AM 748 I b 4°

Ágr — AM 325 II 4° (Ágrip)

B — AM 757 a 4°

Bb — Holm perg 1 fol (Bergsbók)

Bæb — AM 73 b fol (Bæjarbók)

C — AM 748 II 4°

DG8 — DG 8

E — AM 47 fol (Eirspennill)

F — AM 45 fol (Fríssbók, Codex Frisianus)

Flat — GKS 1005 fol (Flateyjarbók)

FskAˣAM 303 4°ˣ (Fagrskinna A)

FskBˣOsloUB 371 folˣ (Fagrskinna B)

H — AM 66 fol (Hulda)

Hb — AM 371 4°, AM 544 4° (Hauksbók)

Holm2 — Holm perg 2 4°

Holm4 — Holm perg 4 4°

Holm18 — Holm perg 18 4°

Hr — GKS 1010 fol (Hrokkinskinna)

J — Holm perg 9 II fol (Jöfraskinna)

J1ˣAM 37 folˣ (Jǫfraskinna)

J2ˣAM 38 folˣ (Jöfraskinna)

JÓ — Jón Ólafsson 1741

K — Lbs frg 82 fol (Kringla)

AM 35 folˣ, AM 36 folˣ, AM 63 folˣ (Kringla)

M — AM 132 fol (Möðruvallabók)

Mork — GKS 1009 fol (Morkinskinna)

NRA52 — NRA 52

papp4ˣHolm papp 4 4°ˣ

papp10ˣHolm papp 10 4°ˣ

papp18ˣHolm papp 18 folˣ

R — GKS 2367 4° (Codex Regius)

R685ˣUppsUB R 685ˣ

R686ˣUppsUB R 686ˣ

R702ˣUppsUB R 702ˣ

Traj 1374ˣ (Codex Trajectinus)

Tóm — GKS 1008 fol (Tómasskinna)

U — DG 11 (Codex Upsaliensis)

W — AM 242 fol (Codex Wormianus)

Þb106ˣAM 106 folˣ (Þórðarbók)

Þb112ˣAM 112 folˣ (Þórðarbók)



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