This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
hristimeiðr borgar hjǫrva
‘the brandishing-trees of the stronghold of swords’ = WARRIORS
the stronghold of swords → SHIELD
The brandishing-trees of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior shaker of the weapon
œskimeiðr galdra vébrautar
‘the wishing trees of the incantations of the standard-road’ = WARRIORS
the standard-road, → BATTLEFIELD
the incantations of the BATTLEFIELD → BATTLE
the wishing trees of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior desirer of battle
ógnarstafr tanna hallinskíða
‘the terror-stave of the teeth of hallinskíði <= heimdallr>’ = GENEROUS MAN
the teeth of Hallinskíði <= Heimdallr>, → GOLD
The terror-stave of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.11. terrifier of wealth
aðra geymirunnr grálinns undgjalfrs
‘other protecting bushes of the grey serpent of the wound-surge’ = WARRIORS
the wound-surge. → BLOOD
the grey serpent of the BLOOD → SWORD
other protecting bushes of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
lyptimeiðr láðs linns
‘the lifting-poles of the land of the serpent’ = MEN
the land of the serpent → GOLD
the lifting-poles of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
. lifter of riches
inn ríki rœkilundr randfárs
‘the mighty heeding-tree of shield-harm’ = WARRIOR
shield-harm, → SWORD
The mighty heeding-tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
aðrir geymirunnr gáttar gunnar
‘other tending-trees of the door of battle’ = WARRIORS
the door of battle → SHIELD
other tending-trees of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
sviptilundr logs Rínar
‘flinging-tree of the flame of the Rhine’ = GENEROUS MAN
the flame of the Rhine; → GOLD
flinging-tree of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
støkkvilundr stála
‘impelling trees of swords’ = WARRIORS
impelling trees of swords → WARRIORS
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
hneigiþollr túna öglis
‘The giving tree of the homefields of the snake’ = GENEROUS MAN
the homefields of the snake → GOLD
The giving tree of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
7. tree of gold
svinnir hirðimeiðr linns hræsunda
‘May the wise guarding-poles of the serpent of carrion-channels’ = MEN
carrion-channels → BLOOD
the serpent of the BLOOD → SWORD
May the wise guarding-poles of the SWORD → MEN
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
berdraugr auðs
‘bearing logs of wealth’ = MEN
bearing logs of wealth → MEN
male, man
. bearer of riches
móðþrútinn hvessimeiðr morðlinns
‘the courage-swollen whetting pole of the battle-snake’ = WARRIOR
the battle-snake → SWORD
The courage-swollen whetting pole of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior whetter of the weapon
remmilaukr randsíks
‘the forceful masts of the shield-whitefish’ = WARRIORS
the shield-whitefish → SWORD
the forceful masts of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.7.07. strengthener of the weapon
yppirunnr unnelds
‘the lifting trees of wave-fire’ = MEN
wave-fire → GOLD
the lifting trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
. lifter of riches
hnykkimeiðr hnigreyrs hjǫr*fl*óðs
‘for the snatching trees of the descending reed of the sword-flood’ = WARRIORS
the sword-flood → BLOOD
the descending reed of the BLOOD → SWORD
for the snatching trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.7.19. snatcher of the weapon
herðimeiðr eldvellds hringskóðs
‘hardening trees of the fire-forged mail-shirt-harmer’ = WARRIORS
the fire-forged mail-shirt-harmer → SWORD
hardening trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.7.07. strengthener of the weapon
geymirunnr gunnelds
‘to the keeping trees of the battle-fire’ = WARRIORS
the battle-fire → SWORD
to the keeping trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
hnykkilundr hreins handbáls
‘moving trees of the pure hand-fire’ = MEN
the pure hand-fire → GOLD
moving trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
. snatcher of riches
rœkilundr lauks randar
‘the tending-tree of the leek of the shield’ = WARRIOR
the leek of the shield → SWORD
the tending-tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.06. carer of the weapon