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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 49VII/8 — jartegnir ‘miracles’

Þríar grímur vann þeima
þjóðnýtr Haralds bróðir
rauknstefnanda Reifnis
ríkr bendingar slíkar,
áðr þrekhvǫssum þessar
(þingdjarfs) firar inga
(bjǫrt eru bauga snyrtis
brǫgð) jartegnir sǫgðu.

Ríkr, þjóðnýtr bróðir Haralds vann slíkar bendingar þeima Reifnis rauknstefnanda þríar grímur, áðr firar sǫgðu þessar jartegnir þrekhvǫssum inga; brǫgð þingdjarfs snyrtis bauga eru bjǫrt.

The powerful, very bountiful brother of Haraldr [= Óláfr] gave such signs to that driver of the ox of Reifnir <sea-king> [(lit. ‘to that ox-driver of Reifnir’) SHIP > SEAFARER] for three nights, before men told these miracles to the strength-keen ingi <king>; the deeds of the battle-brave polisher of rings [MAN = Óláfr] are bright.



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