banaráð (noun n.) ‘°(I) incitement to kill, killing’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Kgs —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 8634
- Laxd ch. 48 —
banaráðum ‘’l. 1
- Laxd —
banaráðum ‘plot (sby's) death’l. 8898
- NjR —
banaráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 9254
- ǪrvS —
banaráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 11103
- Vatnˣ —
banaráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 10654
- Alex —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 117
- Bl —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 331
- Bret —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 421
- GrgStað —
bana rað ‘(item pl.) incitement to kill, killing’l. 7423
- Hem544 —
bana ráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 7609
- HómÍsl9(1993) —
bana róþ ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 7704
- HómÍsl §473 —
banaráð ‘’l. 1
- Jb —
bana ráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 8287
- Landsl —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 8774
- LandslBorg —
bana rað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 8821
- Landsl1154 —
bana raað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 8835
- Rómv2 —
banaráð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 10156
- [not skaldic] —
bana rááð ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
banarááð ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 10577
- VerA —
banarað ‘plot (sby's) death, have (sby) killed’l. 10659
- elements in compounds