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GKS 2365 4°: 37r6-37r8 — Guðrúnarkviða II 1

er var ec meꝩıa
moþ͛ mıc ꝼǫꝺꝺı
bıoꝛꞇ ıbrı
vɴa ec vel brǫþro̅:
vnz mıc gıvcı
gvllı reıꝼþı
gvllı reıꝼþı
gaꝼ ſıgþı.

Mer var ec meꝩia
moþir mic fǫddi
biort ibri
vɴa ec vel brǫþrom:
vnz mic givci
gvlli reifþi
gvlli reifþi
gaf ſigvrþi.

Mær var ek meyja,
móðir mik fæddi,
björt íbúri,
unna ek vel bræðrum,
unz mik Gjúki
gulli reifði,
gulli reifði,
gaf Sigurði.


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