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GKS 2365 4°: 1r16-1r18 — Völuspá 7

ıꞇꞇoz æſır
a ıða uellı
þr̅ hꜹrg hoꝼ
aꝼla lꜹgðo
ꜹð ſmıðoþo
ꞇang͛ ſcópo
ꞇól goꝛðo.

Hittoz æſir
a iða uelli
þeir er hꜹrg oc hof
afla lꜹgðo
ꜹð ſmiðoþo
tangir ſcópo
oc tól gorðo.

Hittuz æsir
á Iðavelli,
þeir er hörg ok hof
afla lögðu,
auð smíðuðu,
tangir skópu
ok tól gjörðu.


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This service is only available to members of the relevant projects, and to purchasers of the skaldic volumes published by Brepols.
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