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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 3. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 1. Summary of layout and headings

1. Summary of layout and headings

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

·   Verse number and text

·   Categorisation in Skjaldedigtning

·   # Prose order

·   # Translation

·   Mss

·   # Readings

·   # Editions

·   Context (if applicable)

·   Notes

The italicised items will be headings to the sections concerned. These are placed on a new line, italicised and followed by a colon. The colon is not italicised.

The stanza number, text and categorisation in Skj do not need to be headed as such.

For some textually simple stanzas, there may be no significant Readings, and Notes may be unnecessary. For some stanzas the Context may also be superfluous. In such cases the headings to those sections are simply omitted. Always include a prose word order and translation, even where Skj does not, as the edition is intended for a wide range of users (e.g. historians, archaeologists).

A different presentation will be adopted for runic texts, incorporating a transcription and   information about location, dating, type of object, etc.



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