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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. VII. Poetry on Christian Subjects C. Indices of Names and Terms 3. Personal Names

3. Personal Names

Margaret Clunies Ross 2007, ‘Personal Names’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols [check printed volume for citation].

Ádám, Adam, the first man — Lil 12/3, 13/1, 17/5, 18/3, 19/8, 22/2, 43/2, 64/4

Adriánus, the Emperor Hadrian — Mey 58/5, Pl 58/7

Ágáða, S. Agatha — Mey 26/1, 28/5

Ágapítus, son of Eustace/Plácitus and Theopista — Pl 6/6

Agnes, S. Agnes — Mey 30/1, 31/8, 32/8

Almákíus, Almacius, a Roman prefect — Mey 19/1

Alphéus, Alphaeus, husband of Mary 2 — Mey 8/2

Annanías, New Testament figure — Pet 33/1

Ánastásía, S. Anastasia — Mey 42/1

Andréas, the Apostle Andrew — Alpost 3/1, 3/10, Andr 1/5, 2/2, 3/3, 4/3, Mey 1/8, Mv I 2/2, Mv II 2/3, Mv III 2/4, Pét 11/2, Vitn 2/1

Anna, Anna, mother of Virgin Mary — Mey 7/2

Anna, prophetess, daughter of Phanuel  Mgr 6/8

Árón, Aaron, brother of Moses — Mgr 1/5

Aspásíus, judge, killer of S. Agnes — Mey 32/3

Baldr, Norse god — Brúðv 6/6, 16/1, Kálf Kátr 4/4, Pl 30/3, 41/5

Baptista, John the Baptist — Pét 13/1 (see also Jón)

Barbara, S. Barbara — Mey 52/1

Bartoloméus, the Apostle Bartholomew — Alpost 9/2, 9/10

Baugreyrir, ‘?ring-stirrer’, name of a man — Sól 56/6

Benedict, brother of S. Knútr — Heil 20/1

Benedictus, S. Benedict of Nursia — Mey 56/5

Bil, Norse goddess — Gamlkan Has 52/8, Mv I 14/6, 23/7

Bingvör, name of a woman — Sól 76/1

Blásíus, S. Blaise — Heil 16/1, 17/3, 19/1

Brígiða, S. Brigid of Kildare — Mey 50/3

Byrfill, sea-king name — Pl 35/1

Böðveig, daughter of Njörðr — Sól 79/4

Cécílía, S. Cecilia — Mey 18/6, 20/4, 21/4

Céphás, alternative name for S. Peter — Pét 27/3

Clémens, Pope Clement I — Heil 10/5

Constancía, S. Constantia — Mey 57/5

Dávíð, David, King of Israel — Gamlkan Has 48/2, Mv III 19/7

Díocleciánus, the Emperor Diocletian — Heil 26/3, Mey 40/3

Díonísiús, S. Denis — Heil 10/2, 13/2

Dómiciánus, king of Rome — Heil 11/2

Drótt, name of a queen — Brúðv 30/7

Eindriði ungi ‘the young’, Norw. traveller to Constantinople — ESk Geisl 45/3

Elíás, the prophet Elijah — Pét 20/7

Elutéríum, Eleutherius, a deacon, companion of S. Denis — Heil 11/4

Endill, sea-king name — Pl 51/6

Énéas, man raised from his sickbed by S. Peter — Pét 54/1

Eufémía, S. Euphemia — Mey 46/1

Evstákíus, S. Eustace (see also Plácitus) — Pl 6/2, 11/7, 18/7, 25/7

Éva, Eve, wife of Adam, the first man — Lil 13/2, 16/1, 16/5, 18/1, 18/5, 43/3, 66/1,  66/2, Mdr 31/8

Eysteinn Haraldsson gilla, Norw. king (r. 1136-57), patron of Einarr Skúlason — ESk Geisl 8/2, 71/6

Eyvindr bifra ‘shaker, trembler’, assassin of S. Knútr — Heil 20/5

Fégjarn ‘money-eager’, allegorical figure — Sól 63/5

Félícitas, S. Felicity — Mey 57/1

Fíðes, S. Fides (Faith) — Mey 58/3

Filippus, the Apostle Phillip — Alpost 7/2, 7/10

Freyr, name of a Norse god — Brúðv 8/5, 9/5

Gabriél, Gabríel, the angel Gabriel — Lil 27/3, Mdr 25/8, 31/4

Gautr, alternative name for Óðinn — Brúðv 23/7, Gamlkan Has 13/1, 42/7

Gefn, alternative name for Norse goddess Freyja — Pl 17/3

Glammi, sea-king name — Leið 16/2

Glævaldr, name of a man — Sól 54/3

Gutthormr Gunnhildarson, nephew of S. Óláfr — ESk Geisl 31/1, 34/3

Gylfi, sea-king name — Pl 35/5

Hallur, father of the poet Kálfr — Kálf Kátr 1/8

Hallvarðr, S. Hallvard of Vík (Oslofjord area of Norway) — Heil 22/1, 23/8

Hamðir, Germanic hero — ESk Geisl 52/7, Gyð 4/8

Haraldr grenski ‘the one from Grenland’ Guðróðarson, father of Óláfr Haraldsson — ESk Geisl 51/4

Haraldr inn harðráði ‘the hard-ruler’ Sigurðarson, King of Norway (r. 1047-66), half- brother of Óláfr Haraldsson — ESk Geisl 49/2

Hel, female guardian of the underworld and/or place where the dead live — Heil 16/6, Sól 37/1, 38/4, 67/4

Héródes, Heródes, Herod, King of Judea — Mgr 7/2, Pét 50/1

Herðir, name of a man — Sól 76/2

Hildr, valkyrie name — ESk Geisl 70/6, Kálf Kátr 43/3, Mv I 24/5, Pl 19/7

Hlér, alternative name for Norse sea-deity Ægir — Gyð 2/7

Hlín, alternative name of Norse goddess, probably Frigg — Kálf Kátr 5/2, Mv I 26/2

Hlǫkk, valkyrie name — Gamlkan Has 14/2, Kálf Kátr 22/4, Pl 21/4

Hugi hinn sterki ‘the strong’, Hugh de Morville, assailant of S. Thomas Becket — Heil 1/8

Hǫrn, alternative name of goddess Freyja — ESk Geisl 37/1, Kálf Kátr 13/5

Ingi Haraldsson gilla, brother of Eysteinn and Sigurðr, joint rulers of Norway (r. 1136-?) — ESk Geisl 8/5

Ingvarr, killer of S. Edmund of East Anglia — Heil 7/1

Iði, name of a giant — Kálf Kátr 38/6, 39/2

Ísák, Old Testament figure — Kálf Kátr 26/8

Jákób, Old Testament figure — Kálf Kátr 15/4

Jácób, Jácobus, Jacóbus the Apostle James the Great — Alpost 5/1, 5/10, Mey 9/8; the Apostle James the Less — Alpost 8/5, 8/10, Mey 8/5

Játmundr, S. Edmund, King of East Anglia — Heil 5/3, 8/7

Jésús, Jesus — Alpost 4/4, 4/9, Brúðv 32/5, 33/1, Heil 11/3, Kálf Kátr 40/8, Lil 35/5, 36/8, 40/1, 41/3, 43/6, 48/2, 49/1, 50/1, 51/2, 58/7, 59/3, 60/1, 62/6, 63/1, 64/4, 65/2, 71/3, 80/1, 85/7, 88/7, Mdr 7/1, 19/5, Mey 1/6, 4/1, 4/7, 29/3, 30/2, Mgr 5/7, 17/7, 19/2, 25/2, 31/6, 35/3, 37/5, 39/6, 51/5, Pét 25/2, Vitn 25/4 (see also Jésús Kristr, Jésús Kristus, Kristr, Kristr Jésús, Kristus)

Jésús Kristr, Jesus Christ — Andr 4/1, Heil 8/5, Kálf Kátr 1/4, 10/1, 36/2, Lil 37/5, 82/3 (see also Jésús, Jésús Kristus, Kristr, Kristr Jésús, Kristus)

Jésús Kristus, Jesus Christ — Mey 12/1, 15/3 (see also Jésús, Jésús Kristr, Kristr, Kristr Jésús, Kristus)

Jóachím, Joachim, father of the Virgin Mary — Mey 7/5

Jób enn gamli ‘the old’, Job, Old Testament figure — Pl 1/8, 26/8

Jóhannes, Jónas, Johannes, father of the Apostle Peter — Pét 11/1, 24/1, 25/1 (see also Símón)

Jón, the Apostle John — Alpost 4/1, 4/10, 5/2, Gamlkan Jóndr 3/8, Mey 9/7, Mgr 26/4, Ník Jóndr 2/5, 3/7

Jón, Jóhannes baptista, John the Baptist — Leið 24/1, Lil 37/4

Jóan, Jón Birgisson, first archbishop of Trondheim — ESk Geisl 9/3

Jósép, Joseph, brother of James the Less, Simon and Thaddaeus — Mey 8/6

Jósép, Joseph of Arimathea — Mgr 34/3

Júdás, disciple of Christ — Lil 48/4

Júliána, S. Juliana — Mey 44/1

Jǫrð, Earth, name of a Norse goddess or giantess — Pl 24/7

Kálfr, name of the poet of Kátr — Kálf Kátr 49/1 (see also Vitulus)

Káritas, S. Caritas (Charity) — Mey 58/3

Káterín, Káterína, Kátrín, Kátrína S. Catherine of Alexandria — Kálf Kátr 3/5, 13/3, 15/5, 17/8, 19/1, 21/8, 22/2, 25/8, 27/1, 32/1, 33/8, 44/6, 49/1, 51/1, Mey 22/5, 23/1, 24/5

Klára, S. Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) — Mey 57/6

Knútr, S. Knud of Denmark (r. 1080-6) — Heil 20/3, 21/5

Kostus, Costus, father of S. Catherine of Alexandria — Kálf Kátr 4/1

Kreppvör, female figure, daughter of Njörðr — Sól 79/5

Kristína, S. Christina — Mey 48/1, 49/8

Kristr, Kristur, Christ — Alpost 2/10, 4/5, 8/2, Andr 2/3, Brúðv 1/5, 7/4, 26/6, 27/5, ESk Geisl 4/3, 11/3, 33/3, 68/7, Gamlkan Has 5/2, 35/2, 37/3, Heil 9/7, 14/7, 19/7, 24/7, Heildr 9/8, Kálf Kátr 2/3, 15/5, 24/4, 27/1, 38/8, 50/7, Kolb Jónv 1/3, Law 1/6, Leið 15/1, 28/4, 37/7, 40/4, 41/3, 42/7, Líkn 13/5, 17/5, 21/5, 24/6, 25/5, 27/8, 29/5, 31/2, 32/4, Lil 5/3, 46/1, 49/7, 53/3, 66/4, 66/5, 81/1, 95/6, 96/2, Mdr 3/7, 7/7, 12/7, 19/4, 21/7, 27/3, 31/3, 33/7, 35/6, 43/7, Mey 4/3, 6/2, 11/6, 19/4, 22/1, 28/4, 49/7, 53/3, Mgr 12/1, 19/1, 25/6, 34/3, 36/2, 44/2, 51/1, Mv I 3/5, Mv II 21/4, Mv III 8/3, 17/1, Ník Jóndr 1/3, 2/4, Pét 8/7, 9/2, 15/5, 17/4, 17/6, 23/5, 24/8, 37/8, 38/5, 49/8, 54/3, Pl 6/4, 10/3, 11/3, 37/2, Vitn 22/8 (see also Jésús, Jésús Kristr, Jésús Kristus, Kristr Jésús, Kristus)

Kristr Jésús — Kálf Kátr 25/4 (see also Jésús, Jésús Kristr, Jésús Kristus, Kristr, Kristus)

Kristus, Christ — Alpost 2/5, Gamlkan Jóndr 1/2, Pét 12/3, 34/5, 54/3 (see also Jésús, Jésús Kristr, Jésús Kristus, Kristr, Kristr Jésús)

Línus, S. Linus, S. Peter’s successor in the see of Rome — Mey 55/4

Listvör, woman’s name — Sól 76/1

Lofn, goddess name — Kálf Kátr 18/6, 23/7

Longínus, Longinus, Roman soldier who pierced Christ’s side at the Crucifixion — Mgr 29/6

Lúcía, S. Lucy of Rome — Mey 40/1

Lúcía, S. Lucy of Sicily — Mey 38/1, 39/3

Magnús inn góði ‘the good’ Óláfsson, son of S. Óláfr, King of Norway (r. 1035-47) — ESk Geisl 27/4, 29/4

Magðaléna, Magdaléna, Mary Magdalene — Mey 11/4, 13/5, Mgr 12/3, 34/7 (see also Máría)

Malkus, Malchus, killer of S. Margaret — Mey 35/7

Margaréta, S. Margaret of Antioch — Mey 34/2, 36/5

Máría, Mary 1, the Virgin Mary — Alpost 4/6, Brúðv 6/2, 31/1 Gamlkan Has 59/4 Kálf Kátr 5/8, 9/1, 17/6, 21/6, 25/6, 29/6, 33/6, 49/6, Kolb Jónv 3/3, Lil  24/5, 25/1, 28/2, 31/6, 44/1, 57/1, 57/2, 58/1, 69/1, 80/8, 82/1, 85/4, 87/1, 87/4, 91/1-8, 94/7, 95/1, 95/8, 99/3, Mdr 3/1, 6/1, 8/2, 12/1, 13/1, 26/1, 29/1, Mey 1/6, 2/7, 3/8, 4/6, 5/1, 6/1, 7/3, 7/7, 10/3, 17/7, 21/7, 25/7, 29/6, 33/6, 37/6, 58/7, 59/1, 60/1, Mgr 4/3, 7/8, 10/1, 17/1, 19/4, 25/1, 28/8, 29/1, 32/8, 33/1, 36/8, 46/1, 47/1, 52/6, Mv I 3/7, 15/7, 17/3, 20/5, 24/7, 26/7, 28/8, 29/5, Mv II 6/6, 7/6, 10/2,13/8, 22/1, Mv III 2/6, 6/3, 8/6, 9/7, 11/7, 13/1, 21/7, 26/7, 27/1, 28/1, 29/1, 30/5, Pét 6/4,Vitn 2/5, 8/8, 17/4, 20/1, 22/8, 24/6

Máría, Mary 2, wife of Alphaeus — Mey 8/1

Máría, Mary 3, wife of Zebedee — Mey 9/1

Máría, Mary Magdalene — Gamlkan Has 52/1, Mey 11/3, 13/6, Mgr 12/4 (see also Magðaléna)

Máría, S. Mary of Egypt — Mey 14/3, 15/6, 16/6

Mathéas, S. Matthew the Apostle — Alpost 10/3, 10/9

Matthías, S. Matthias the Apostle — Alpost 13/1, 13/10

Maurícíus, S. Maurice — Heil 25/1, 26/5

Maxencíus, Maxentius, Roman emperor — Kálf Kátr 5/7, Mey 22/2

Meiti, sea-king name — Brúðv 15/8, Gyð 7/2

Mist, valkyrie name — Gamlkan Has 2/2, 5/2, 61/3, Líkn 27/8

Móíses, Móises, Moses, Old Testament figure — Leið 18/2, 19/4, Lil 13/2 Pét 20/8

Móði, name of Norse god, son of Þórr — Pl 31/3

Naðarénus, ‘the one from Nazareth’, Jesus Mgr 39/5

Nanna, Norse goddess, wife of god Baldr — Kálf Kátr 10/2, 13/7, Mey 30/6, Mv I 9/5

Njǫrðr, Njörðr, name of Norse god — Brúðv 14/1, 26/3, Gyð 7/6, Kálf Kátr 44/2, Sól 79/2; pl. Nirðir — ESk Geisl 55/3, Pl 56/3

Nói, Noah, Old Testament figure — Leið 16/4

Óláfr inn helgi ‘the saint’ Haraldsson, S. Óláfr, King of Norway (r. 1015-30) — ESk Geisl 1/8, 7/3, 10/1, 18/8, 21/8, 23/7, 24/8, 27/8, 30/8, 31/3, 33/8, 35/3, 36/8, 39/8, 41/4, 42/8, 43/3, 45/6, 50/4, 51/7, 54/4, 61/5, 66/1, 67/4, 69/1

Ólíbríus, Olybrius, would-be suitor of S. Margaret — Mey 34/5

Óttarr svarti ‘the black’, Icel. skald of S. Óláfr — ESk Geisl 12/4

Óðinn, name of Norse god — Kálf Kátr 6/8, Sól 77/1

Páll, Paulus, S. Paul the Apostle — Alpost 2/1, 2/2, 2/10, Heil 10/3

Páskásíus, Pascasius, suitor of S. Lucy of Sicily — Mey 38/4

Perpétúa, Perpetua, wife of S. Peter — Pét 12/2

Pétr, Pétur, Pétrus, S. Peter the Apostle — Alpost 1/1, 1/10, 2/6, Gamlkan Has 50/7, Mey 55/1, Pét 4/8, 8/4, 12/4, 16/3, 18/4, 19/3, 22/8, 25/1, 26/3, 27/1, 34/6, 36/4, 37/3,  44/5, 49/3, 51/2, 53/8, 54/7

Petronilla, daughter of S. Peter — Mey 55/2, Pét 12/5

Pharaóni, Pharaoh — Leið 18/8

Pilátus, Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea — Mgr 12/6

Plácitus, S. Eustace — Pl 11/6, 18/6, 25/6, 34/4, 35/4, 40/4, 42/8, 44/4, 47/4, 50/8, 59/4 (see also Eustákíus)

Porphíríus, Porphyry, head of the Emperor Maxentius’s troops — Kálf Kátr 28/5, 41/1

Potenciána, S. Putentiana — Mey 57/4

Praxis, S. Praxis — Mey 57/3

Priska, S. Prisca — Mey 57/7

Priskus, Priscus, torturer of S. Euphemia — Mey 46/3

Próbus, Probus, torturer of S. Anastasia — Mey 42/5

Púsina, S. Pusina — Mey 57/8

Quinciánus, Quintian, suitor of S. Agatha — Mey 26/5

Rán, name of Norse supernatural figure, wife of Ægir — Brúðv 18/5

Ráðný, name of a woman — Sól 16/2

Reginn, name of a dwarf — ESk Geisl 48/4

Reifnir, sea-king name — ESk Geisl 49/3, 54/7

Reinaldr, Reginald Fitzurse, assailant of S. Thomas Becket — Heil 1/7

Rígarðr, Richard Brito, assailant of S. Thomas Becket — Heil 1/5

Rist (= Hrist), valkyrie name — Kálf Kátr 24/4

Rúnolfr, name of a man who helped the poet of Leið compose his drápaLeið 43/8

Rustícus, Rusticus, priest, companion of S. Denis — Heil 11/3

Sábína, S. Sabina — Mey 57/2

Sága, name of Norse goddess — Kálf Kátr 26/3, 35/7, Mey 52/7

Saphíra, name of a woman in the New Testament — Pét 33/5

Sátán, Satan — Mv III 24/5

Saulus, name of S. Paul before he became Christian — Alpost 2/2

Sigurðr Jórsalafari ‘Jerusalem traveller’ Magnússon, King of Norway (r. 1103-30) — ESk Geisl 70/6

Sigurðr munnr ‘mouth’ Haraldsson gilla, Norw. king, brother of Eysteinn and Ingi (r. 1136-55) — ESk Geisl 8/3

Sigvatr Þórðarson, Icel. skald of S. Óláfr — ESk Geisl 12/1

Síméon, Simeon, priesr who blessed Jesus in the temple — Mgr 6/7

Símón, S. Simon the Apostle — Alpost 11/1, 11/9, Mey 8/8

Símón (bar Jóna), Simon Peter the Apostle — Pét 11/1, 23/1, 24/1-2 (see also Pétr)

Síniformus, tormentor of S. Agnes — Mey 31/5

Sjǫfn, Norse goddess name — Pl 14/1

Skartheðinn, name of a man — Sól 11/2

Skólastika, S. Scholastica — Mey 56/1

Skuld, valkyrie name — Brúðv 16/1

Skögul, valkyrie name — Brúðv 14/4

Soffía, S. Sophia — Mey 58/2

Sól, Norse goddess name. personfication of the sun — Brúðv 13/5, Mv I 12/5

Sólkatla, name of a woman — Sól 78/2

Spes, S. Spes (Hope) — Mey 58/3

Sunnefa, S. Sunniva — Mey 53/1

Sváfaðr, name of a man — Sól 11/2

Sváfr, name of a man — Sól 80/3

Sváfrlogi, name of a man — Sól 80/3

Sævaldi, name of a man — Sól 9/2

Sörli, name of a man — Sól 20/2

Tábíta, Tabitha, name of a woman brought back to life by S. Peter — Pét 53/1

Taddéus, S. Thaddaeus, usually identified with the Apostle Jude — Alpost 12/2, 12/10, Mey 8/7

Tómas, S. Thomas the Apostle — Alpost 6/2, 6/10

Tómas, S. Thomas Becket — Heil 2/5, 3/8, 4/1

Trájánus, the Emperor Trajan — Pl 33/4, 58/4

Ullr, name of Norse god — Gyð 6/5; in pl. Ullar — Kálf Kátr 50/3

Unnarr, name of a man — Sól 9/2

Ussula, S. Ursula — Mey 54/3

Valeriánus, man betrothed to S. Cecilia — Mey 18/5

Véboði, name of a man — Sól 16/2

Vígdvalinn, name of a man or dwarf — Sól 78/6

Vígúlfr, name of a man — Sól 20/3

Viljálmr, William de Tracy, assailant of S. Thomas Becket — Heil 1/6

Vinnill, sea-king name — Pl 4/4

Vítulus ‘calf’ (Lat. = Kálfr), name of the poet of Kálf Kátr 51/3 (see also Kálfr)

Vǫr, name of a Norse goddess — Gamlkan Has 52/8

Yggr, alternative name for Óðinn — Kálf Kátr 46/8, Pl 34/3

Zébédéus, Zebedee, husband of Mary 3 — Mey 9/3

Þéopista, Theopista, wife of Eustace/Placidus — Pl 6/4, 50/4

Þéopistus, son of Eustace/Placidus and Theopista — Pl 6/8

Þórr, name of a Norse god — Kálf Kátr 6/8

Þrór, alternative name for Óðinn — Gamlkan Has 64/7, Pl 49/3, ? 56/5

Þróttr, alternative name for Óðinn — Brúðv 3/8, Gamlkan Has 11/4, 25/2, Leið 37/6, Pl 7/2, 40/5, 43/5, 48/2

Þrúðr, name of a Norse goddess — Kálf Kátr 4/8, 11/5, 15/1

Þundr, alternative name for Óðinn — Brúðv 9/7, 13/7, Kálf Kátr 42/2

Þungra, alternative name for Freyja — Pl 50/3

Þvinnill, sea-king name — Pl 30/2

Ægir, name of a Norse sea god or giant — Gamlkan Has 41/5

Ögustínus, S. Augustine — Mgr 4/2, 8/2, 9/8, 37/6


  1. Internal references
  2. Ian McDougall 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Allra postula minnisvísur’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 852-71. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  3. Ian McDougall 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Andréasdrápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 845-51. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  4. Kirsten Wolf 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Heilagra manna drápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 872-90. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  5. Katrina Attwood 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Heilags anda drápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 450-67. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  6. Katrina Attwood 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Máríudrápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 476-514. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  7. Kirsten Wolf 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Heilagra meyja drápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 891-930. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  8. Kari Ellen Gade 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Drápa af Máríugrát’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 758-95. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  9. Kari Ellen Gade 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Máríuvísur I’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 678-700. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  10. Kari Ellen Gade 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Máríuvísur II’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 701-17. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  11. Kari Ellen Gade 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Máríuvísur III’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 718-38. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  12. Jonna Louis-Jensen and Tarrin Wills 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Plácitusdrápa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 179-220. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  13. Kari Ellen Gade 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Vitnisvísur af Máríu’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 739-57. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  14. Martin Chase 2007, ‘ Einarr Skúlason, Geisli’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 5-65. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  15. Martin Chase 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Lilja’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 544-677. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  16. Katrina Attwood 2007, ‘ Gamli kanóki, Harmsól’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 70-132. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)
  17. Jonathan Grove 2007, ‘ Anonymous, Lausavísa on Lawgiving’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry on Christian Subjects. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 7. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 965-6. <> (accessed 28 September 2024)

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