Words as dictionary headwords used in the corpus, starting with c. Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- c (noun n.) ‘°the sound/consonant and the letter c; the Roman numeral C as a symbol for `hundrað’ (= 100 or 120)’9
- caccabus (noun ?)0
- cacemphaton (noun ?)0
- cacosyntheton (noun ?)0
- cadurcus (noun ?)0
- caelum (noun ?)0
- caesar (unclassified) ‘emperor’1
- Caesareaaugusti (noun ?)0
- caf (adj.) ‘bold, vigorous, quick’0
- caflice (adv.) ‘boldly, vigorously’0
- Cain (noun ?) ‘Cain’2
- Cainan (noun ?) ‘Cainan’0
- calamentum (noun ?)0
- calamina (noun ?)0
- calamus (noun ?)0
- cald (adj.) ‘cold’6
- Caldea (noun ?) ‘Caldea (Chaldea)’0
- calendarium (noun ?)0
- calix (noun ?)0
- Calixtus (noun m.)0
- calumnia (noun ?)0
- calx (noun ?)0
- camerarius (noun ?)0
- camp (noun m.) ‘battle’1
- camphora (noun ?)0
- Cananea (noun ?) ‘Cananea (Caanan)’0
- Cananeis (noun ?) ‘Caananites’0
- cananeus (noun ?)0
- cancellaria (noun ?)0
- cancellarius (noun ?)0
- cancer (noun ?)0
- candel (noun f.) ‘candle’1
- canel (noun ?)0
- canis (noun ?)0
- canon (noun ?)0
- canonice (adv.)1
- canonicus (noun ?)0
- canonkver (noun n.) ‘°?small book with prayers forming part of the canon of the mass’1
- canonumbók (noun f.) ‘°?book with prayers forming part of the canon of the mass’7
- canteria (noun ?)0
- canticum (noun ?)0
- cantor (noun ?)0
- cantoriskápa (noun f.) ‘°cantor’s cope’1
- capadoces (noun ?)1
- capella (noun ?)0
- capellanus (noun ?)0
- capere (verb)0
- capitulariiinnsigli (noun n.) ‘°chapter’s seal’1
- capitularium (noun ?)0
- capitularius (noun ?)0
- capitulariusbók (noun f.) ‘°?book containing `capitularium’ (ɔ: short Bible texts used in the service of hours)’1
- capitulariusskrín (noun n.) ‘°?box/chest in which the `capitularium’ was kept’1
- capituliinnsigli (noun n.) ‘°chapter’s seal’1
- capitulum (noun ?)22
- capitulus (noun ?)0
- capparis (noun ?)0
- capra (noun ?)0
- caprifolium (noun ?)0
- capulus (noun ?)0
- caput (noun ?)0
- carbunculisteinn (noun m.) ‘°carbuncle’4
- carbunculus (noun ?)0
- carbunculussteinn (noun m.) ‘°carbuncle’3
- cardamomum (noun ?)0
- cardeus (adj.)0
- cardinalis (noun ?)2
- carduus (noun ?)0
- carfulnys (noun f.) ‘care, carefulness’0
- carica (noun ?)0
- cariu (noun ?)0
- carleas (adj.) ‘careless, without pity’0
- carneolus (noun ?)0
- caro (noun ?)0
- Caroenborg (noun f.)1
- Carran (noun ?) ‘Carran (Haran)’0
- carunculus (noun ?)0
- carus (adj.)0
- casa (noun ?)0
- casere (noun m.) ‘emperor, caesar’1
- casia (noun ?)0
- caspius (noun ?)0
- cassare (verb)0
- caste (adv.)0
- castigare (verb)0
- castitas (noun ?)0
- castrum (noun ?)1
- casula (noun ?)0
- casus (noun ?)0
- catachresis (noun ?)0
- catalogus (noun ?)0
- catanantius (noun ?)0
- catapulta (noun ?)0
- catellus (noun ?)0
- catharticum imperiale (unclassified)0
- cathedra (noun ?)0
- cathedraticum (noun ?)0
- cathedratio (noun ?)0
- catholicus (adj.)0
- catinus (noun ?)0
- cattus (noun ?)0
- catulus (noun ?)0
- catus (adj.)0
- caulis (noun ?)0
- caulis romana (unclassified)0
- causa (noun ?)0
- cautirire (verb)0
- Ceadwalla (noun ?) ‘Ceadwalla’0
- ceafl (noun m.) ‘jaw, mouth’0
- ceallian (verb) ‘call, shout’0
- ceap (noun m.) ‘cattle, goods, property; bargain, acquisition’2
- ceapian (verb) ‘buy’1
- cearian (verb) ‘be sorrowful, worry, be anxious; take trouble (to do something)’1
- cearseld (noun n.) ‘miserable residence, house of care’1
- cearsið (noun m.) ‘sorrowful expedition, sad experience’1
- cearsorg (noun f.) ‘misery’0
- cearu (noun f.) ‘care, sorrow’3
- cearwylm (noun m.) ‘surge, current or flame of sorrow’2
- ceaster (noun f.) ‘town, fort, castle’0
- ceasterbuend (noun m.) ‘castle-dweller, city-dweller’1
- Cecilía (noun f.) ‘Cecilia’8
- cedrinus (adj.)0
- cedrus (noun ?)0
- cedrustré (noun n.)0
- cedrusviðartré (noun n.)0
- cedrusviðr (noun m.)0
- Celestinus (noun ?)0
- cellod (adj.) ‘(some quality of a shield or type of shield)’0
- cellula (noun ?)0
- celsitudo (noun ?)0
- cempa (noun m.) ‘champion, fighter’10
- cena (noun ?)0
- cenðu (noun f.) ‘bravery’1
- cene (adj.) ‘brave, fierce’2
- cennan (verb) ‘bear, give birth to; (of names) give’8
- censum (noun ?)0
- censura (noun ?)0
- centaurea (noun ?)3
- centener (noun f.)0
- ceol (noun m.) ‘ship’5
- Ceola (noun ?) ‘Ceola’0
- ceolþel (noun n.) ‘ship-board’0
- ceorfan (verb) ‘carve, cut out’0
- ceorl (noun m.) ‘man; lowest class of free man’6
- ceosan (verb) ‘choose, select, accept, seek out’12
- cepa (noun ?)0
- cepan (verb) ‘seek after, receive’0
- cepe (noun ?)0
- cepemann (noun m.) ‘merchant’0
- cephalicus (adj.)0
- ceptembris (noun ?)0
- ceralica (noun ?)0
- cerastes (noun ?)0
- ceraunus (noun ?)0
- cerefolium (noun ?)0
- ceremonía (noun f.)0
- cerisolis (noun ?)0
- ceromin (noun ?)0
- cervisia (noun ?)0
- cervus (noun ?)0
- Cesaria (noun f.)0
- cetromela (noun ?)0
- chalcedonius (noun ?)0
- chalcophonos (noun ?)0
- chalybs (noun ?)0
- Cham (noun ?) ‘Cham (Ham)’0
- chamomilla (noun ?)0
- Chanan (noun ?) ‘Chanaan (Canaan)’0
- charientismos (noun ?)0
- chefrefuill (noun ?)2
- chelidonia (noun ?)1
- chelidonius (noun ?)0
- cherub (noun ?)0
- Chetovel (noun ?)1
- chioptoici (noun ?)0
- chirographum (noun ?)0
- chirographus (noun ?)0
- chirotheca (noun ?)0
- cholera (noun ?)0
- chrisma (noun ?)0
- christe eleison (noun ?)0
- christianus (adj.)0
- christus (noun ?) ‘[Christ]’17
- chronica (noun ?)0
- chryselectrus (noun ?)0
- chrysolithus (noun ?)0
- chrysoprassus (noun ?)0
- Chus (noun ?) ‘Chus (Cush)’0
- cibus (noun ?)0
- ciclade (noun ?)0
- ciclaton (noun ?)0
- cicuta (noun ?)0
- cidur (noun ?)0
- cigan (verb) ‘call, summon’0
- cild (noun n.) ‘child’0
- cildisc (adj.) ‘child-like’0
- cime (noun m.) ‘coming, arrival’1
- cinberg (noun f.) ‘chin-protector’0
- cingulum (noun ?)0
- cinis (noun ?)0
- cinnamomum (noun ?)0
- cinnamus (noun ?)0
- ciphus (noun ?)0
- circumcisio (noun ?)1
- circumferentia (noun ?)0
- ciriathas (noun ?)0
- cirice (noun f.) ‘church’0
- cirman (verb) ‘cry out, call, make a noise’0
- cisterna (noun ?)0
- citatio (noun ?)0
- cithara (noun ?)0
- citria (noun ?)0
- citrinus (noun ?)0
- civitas (noun ?)0
- clað (noun m.) ‘cloth’0
- claret (noun ?)0
- Claudia (noun ?) ‘Claudia’0
- claustrum (noun ?)0
- clausula (noun ?)0
- clausura (noun ?)0
- clava (noun ?)0
- clavis (noun ?)0
- clavus (noun ?)0
- clematitis (noun ?)0
- Clemens (noun ?) ‘[Clement]’3
- clementinae (noun ?)0
- clemid (unclassified)0
- clenodium (noun ?)0
- cleofan (verb) ‘cleave, split’0
- cleofian (verb) ‘be attached, adhere’0
- cleopian (verb) ‘call, cry out, speak’2
- clericus (noun ?)0
- clerus (noun ?)0
- clif (noun n.) ‘cliff’2
- clifagus (noun ?)0
- clitella (noun ?)0
- cloaca (noun ?)0
- cloacarius (noun ?)0
- clomm (noun m.) ‘grasp, grip; bond, fetter’4
- clustor (noun n.) ‘barrier, enclosure’0
- clyppan (verb) ‘embrace, clasp, surround’0
- clæne (adj.) ‘clean, pure, innocent’1
- clænnys (noun f.) ‘purity, innocence, virginity’2
- cnawan (verb) ‘perceive, find out, know, recognize’1
- cnedan (verb) ‘kneed’0
- cneo (noun n.) ‘knee’0
- cneomæg (noun m.) ‘male kinsman, descendent’0
- cneorim (noun n.) ‘number of descendants’0
- cneoriss (noun f.) ‘posterity, family’0
- cneowmæg (noun m.) ‘male descendant, relation, ancestor’0
- cneowrim (noun n.) ‘number of progeny, population’0
- cniht (noun m.) ‘boy, youth, servant;’1
- cnihtwesende (adj.) ‘″being a boy″; when he (I, etc.) was a boy’2
- cnosl (noun n.) ‘family, kin’0
- cnossian (verb) ‘crash, dash, toss’1
- cnyssan (verb) ‘crash against, dash against, toss’2
- coccinium (noun ?)0
- cocco (noun ?)0
- coclear (noun ?)0
- codex (noun ?)1
- coðu (noun f.) ‘disease, sickness, ailment’0
- coemeterium (noun ?)0
- coena (noun ?)0
- coenobium (noun ?)0
- coepiscopus (noun ?)0
- coeuntes cum brutis (unclassified)0
- cofa (noun m.) ‘room, chamber, closet, cave’0
- cognati spiritu (unclassified)0
- cognoscere (verb)0
- cohhetan (verb) ‘cough? clear one‘s throat?’0
- col (adj.) ‘cool, cold, not painful’2
- colian (verb) ‘cool, become cold’0
- collare (noun ?)0
- collationisbréf (noun n.) ‘°letter of transfer, document concerning transfer (of ecclesiastical land)’2
- collecta (noun ?)0
- collectarius (noun ?)0
- collector (noun ?)0
- collegiatus (adj.)0
- collegium (noun ?)0
- collenferþ (adj.) ‘proud, brave’2
- collisio (noun ?)0
- color (noun ?)0
- columbina (noun ?)0
- comes (noun ?)0
- cometa (noun ?)0
- comitatus (noun ?)0
- commemoratio (noun ?)0
- commendatio (noun ?)0
- commissio (noun ?)0
- committere (verb)0
- Commodus (noun ?) ‘Commodus’0
- commonere (verb)0
- commune sanctorum (noun ?)0
- communio (noun ?)0
- communis (unclassified)0
- communisbók (noun f.) ‘°?collection of texts for the mass and prayers at canonical hours for church feasts lacking their own texts’7
- compendium (noun ?)0
- compescere (verb)0
- completorium (noun ?)0
- compositio (noun ?)0
- computare (verb)0
- computus (noun ?)0
- compwig (noun n.) ‘war, battle’0
- conceptio (noun ?)0
- concessio (noun ?)0
- concilium (noun ?)1
- concipere (verb)0
- concubentes (unclassified)0
- concubina (noun ?)0
- concubinatus (noun ?)0
- concurrens (noun ?)0
- concurrensnátt (noun f.) ‘°accompanying night (ɔ: the day which in addition to the standard 52 weeks completes the year with the 365th day)’0
- concurrentesǫld (noun f.) ‘°solar cycle (ɔ: period of 28 years after which date and weekday in the Julian calendar again coincide)’2
- condemnare (verb)0
- confessio (noun ?)0
- confessor (noun ?)0
- confessus (noun ?)1
- confinatio (noun ?)0
- confinium (noun ?)0
- confirmare (verb)0
- confirmatio (noun ?)0
- confirmatus (adj.)1
- confiteri (verb)0
- conjugium (noun ?)0
- conjungere (verb)0
- conjux (noun ?)0
- consanguineus (noun ?)0
- consanguinitas (noun ?)0
- consecrare (verb)0
- consecratio (noun ?)0
- consequi (verb)0
- conservator (noun ?)0
- consideratio (noun ?)0
- consiliarius (noun ?)0
- consilium (noun ?)0
- consistorium (noun ?)0
- consonantia (noun ?)0
- conspina (noun ?)0
- conspiratio (noun ?)0
- Constantinopolis (noun ?)0
- Constantinus (noun ?) ‘Constantinus’1
- constitutio (noun ?)0
- consul (noun ?)0
- consulatus (noun ?)0
- consvetudo (noun ?)0
- contineo (verb)1
- contractus (noun ?)0
- conventiosystir (noun f.) ‘°sister in a convent, nun’1
- conventisbróðir (noun m.) ‘°brother in a monastery, monk’2
- conventus (noun ?)0
- conventussystir (noun f.) ‘°sister in a convent, nun’1
- conversari (verb)0
- conversatio (noun ?)0
- conversio (noun ?)0
- conversus (noun ?)0
- coquina (noun ?)0
- cor (noun ?)0
- corallus (noun ?)1
- corbanas (noun ?)0
- corcodilus (noun ?)0
- corðor (noun n.) ‘troop, multitude’2
- coriandrum (noun ?)0
- corn (noun n.) ‘corn, grain, seed, wheat’1
- corneolus (noun ?)0
- corona (noun ?)0
- coronatio (noun ?)0
- corporale (noun ?)0
- corporaliahús (noun n.) ‘°container/case for the corporal-cloth’1
- corporalishús (noun n.) ‘°container/case for the corporal-cloth’0
- corpus domini (noun ?)0
- corrigere (verb)0
- corripere (verb)0
- corruptela (noun ?)0
- cortina (noun ?)0
- cos (noun ?)0
- Cosdroe (noun ?)0
- cosma (noun ?)0
- Cosmus (noun ?)0
- cost (adj.) ‘proven, excellent’0
- costigan (verb) ‘try, tempt’1
- costus (noun ?)0
- cotidianus (adj.)0
- cotidie (adv.)0
- crater (noun ?)0
- creator (noun ?)0
- credo (noun ?)4
- credulitas (noun ?)0
- crescentio (noun ?)0
- crescite (verb) ‘grow, increase (imper sing)’0
- crimen (noun ?)0
- cringan (verb) ‘fall (in battle)’6
- Crist (noun m.) ‘Christ’18
- Cristen (adj.) ‘Christian’4
- Cristendom (noun m.) ‘Christianity’0
- cristum (noun ?)0
- crocus (noun ?)0
- crucifigere (verb)0
- crucifixumblað (noun n.) ‘°image of the Holy Cross’1
- crucifixus (noun ?)0
- crucismessa (noun f.) ‘°Feast of the Holy Cross (Invention or Exaltation)’8
- crumena (noun ?)0
- crustulum (noun ?)0
- crux (noun ?) ‘cross’0
- crystallus (noun ?)0
- cræft (noun m.) ‘strength, skill’15
- cræftig (adj.) ‘strong, skillful’2
- cu (noun f.) ‘cow’0
- cubeba (noun ?)0
- cubeber (noun n.)0
- cubicus (noun ?)0
- cubicustala (noun f.) ‘°cubic number’1
- cubile (noun ?)0
- cubus (noun ?)0
- cuculla (noun ?)0
- cucumis (noun ?)0
- cucurbita (noun ?)0
- cuð (adj.) ‘known, clear, manifest, certain’11
- cuðlice (adv.) ‘openly’1
- culcitra (noun ?)0
- culina (noun ?)0
- culistergium (noun ?)0
- culpa (noun ?)0
- culufre (noun f.) ‘dove’0
- cum (prep.)3
- cuma (noun m.) ‘new arrival, guest, stranger’1
- cuman (verb) ‘come, arrive’65
- cumbol (noun n.) ‘banner, standard’1
- cumbolwiga (noun m.) ‘(banner- ) warrior’0
- cuminica (noun ?)0
- cuminum (noun ?)1
- cunnan (verb) ‘know, be able to, can’30
- cunnian (verb) ‘explore, try out, find out’7
- cura (noun ?)0
- curator (noun ?)0
- curatus (noun ?)0
- curia (noun ?)0
- curialis (noun ?)0
- cusc (adj.) ‘virtuous, pure’0
- custos (noun ?)0
- Cutbertus (noun m.)0
- cwalu (noun f.) ‘slaughter, death’2
- cwanian (verb) ‘bemoan, lament, complain about’0
- cwealm (noun m.) ‘death, murder; torment, pain’2
- cwealmbealu (noun n.) ‘mortal evil, capital crime’1
- cwealmcuma (noun m.) ‘murderous visitor, one come to do murder’1
- cwealmdreor (noun m.) ‘death blood’0
- cwealmþrea (noun n.) ‘deadly calamity’0
- cweartern (noun n.) ‘prison’0
- cwellan (verb) ‘kill, murder’1
- cweman (verb) ‘please, gratify, serve’0
- cwen (noun f.) ‘queen, princess; consort, wife’8
- cwenlic (adj.) ‘queenly, appropriate for a queen’1
- cweþan (verb) ‘say’36
- cwic (adj.) ‘alive, living’5
- cwicbeam (noun m.) ‘quickbeam, service-tree, moutain ash’0
- cwiclifigende (adj.) ‘living’0
- cwicsusl (noun n.) ‘hell (lit. ″living torment″)’0
- 1. cwide (noun m.) ‘utterance, speech [check]’0
- cwidegiedd (noun n.) ‘song, story’0
- cwidol (adj.) ‘nattering’0
- cwiðan (verb) ‘mourn, bewail’2
- 2. cwyde (noun n.) ‘saying, utterance, speech, word [check]’0
- cwyldrof (adj.) ‘brave in killing, renowned for killing’0
- cyaneus (noun ?)0
- cyathus (noun ?)0
- cyclops (noun ?)0
- cyðan (verb) ‘make known, reveal, say, tell’11
- cyðð (noun f.) ‘kith, kindred, native land, home’0
- cygan (verb) ‘call, name; summon, speak’0
- cyium (noun ?)0
- cymlice (adv.) ‘splendidly, nobly, beautifully’1
- cynd (noun n.) ‘property, quality, nature’1
- cynebearn (noun n.) ‘(national-, tribal-) offspring’0
- cynedom (noun m.) ‘kingdom’1
- cynegod (adj.) ‘noble’0
- cynerice (noun m.) ‘kingdom’0
- cynerof (adj.) ‘(kingly- ) brave, renowned’0
- cyning (noun m.) ‘king’35
- cyningbald (adj.) ‘royally brave, i.e. extremely brave’1
- cyningwuldor (noun n.) ‘glorious king’1
- cynn (noun n.) ‘race, family, offspring, kind, sort; manners, propriety’23
- cynocephalus (noun ?)0
- cyperus (noun ?)0
- cypres (noun ?)1
- cypressistré (noun n.) ‘°cypress’1
- cypressus (noun ?)1
- cypressusviðr (noun m.)0
- Cyrinus (noun ?)0
- cyrm (noun m.) ‘cry, roar, tumult’0
- cyrran (verb) ‘turn, change, turn back; convert’0
- cyrten (adj.) ‘beautiful, elegant, neat’0
- Cyrus (noun ?)3
- cyssan (verb) ‘kiss’1
- cyst (noun f.) ‘choice; (w. gen) the best; excellence; (hand-picked) military company’7
- cystig (adj.) ‘generous’1
- cystleas (adj.) ‘worthless, no-good’0