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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Beowulf ch. X

Beowulf 11x — ed. Tarrin Wills

Not published: do not cite (Beowulf ch. X)


text and translation

The new edition is either unpublished or unavailable. The following is taken from an old edition (Skj where relevant):

ða him Hroþgar gewat | mid his hæleþa gedryht,
eodur Scyldinga, | ut of healle;
wolde wigfruma | Wealhþeo secan,
cwen to gebeddan. | Hæfde kyningwuldor
Grendle togeanes, | swa guman gefrungon,
seleweard aseted; | sundornytte beheold
ymb aldor Dena, | eotonweard abead.
Huru Geata leod | georne truwode
modgan mægnes, | metodes hyldo.
ða he him of dyde | isernbyrnan,
helm of hafelan, | sealde his hyrsted sweord,
irena cyst, | ombihtþegne,
ond gehealdan het | hildegeatwe.
Gespræc þa se goda | gylpworda sum,
Beowulf Geata, | ær he on bed stige:
"No ic me an herewæsmun | hnagran talige,
guþgeweorca, | þonne Grendel hine;
forþan ic hine sweorde | swebban nelle,
aldre beneotan, | þeah ic eal mæge.
Nat he þara goda | þæt he me ongean slea,
rand geheawe, | þeah ðe he rof sie
niþgeweorca; | ac wit on niht sculon
secge ofersittan, | gif he gesecean dear
wig ofer wæpen, | ond siþðan witig god
on swa hwæþere hond, | halig dryhten,
mærðo deme, | swa him gemet þince."
Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, | hleorbolster onfeng
eorles andwlitan, | ond hine ymb monig
snellic særinc | selereste gebeah.
Nænig heora þohte | þæt he þanon scolde
eft eardlufan | æfre gesecean,
folc oþðe freoburh, | þær he afeded wæs;
ac hie hæfdon gefrunen | þæt hie ær to fela micles
in þæm winsele | wældeað fornam,
Denigea leode. | Ac him dryhten forgeaf
wigspeda gewiofu, | Wedera leodum,
frofor ond fultum, | þæt hie feond heora
ðurh anes cræft | ealle ofercomon,
selfes mihtum. | Soð is gecyþed
þæt mihtig god | manna cynnes
weold wideferhð. | Com on wanre niht
scriðan sceadugenga. | Sceotend swæfon,
þa þæt hornreced | healdan scoldon,
ealle buton anum. | þæt wæs yldum cuþ
þæt hie ne moste, | þa metod nolde,
se scynscaþa | under sceadu bregdan;
ac he wæccende | wraþum on andan
bad bolgenmod | beadwa geþinges.


Text is based on reconstruction from the base text and variant apparatus and may contain alternative spellings and other normalisations not visible in the manuscript text. Transcriptions may not have been checked and should not be cited.


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