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Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Sources

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This section of Gylfaginning describes the activities that goes on in Valhöll, the hall of those who have fallen in battle, as well as the look and particularities of the hall and its surroundings.


Gylf ch. 17b


Þar er enn mikill staður er V...

There also is a great place c...

[status: unverified copy]

[excerpt from] Gylf ch. 38b

38b. Valhöll

Þá mælti Gangleri: "Það segir...

Then spoke Gangleri: 'You say...

[status: unverified copy]



Gylfaginning, which is part of Snorra Edda, was composed in Iceland in the 13th century, and holds the stories of many of the Pre-Christian myths of northern Europe. It is believe to have been composed by the Icelander Snorri Sturlusson. Snorra Edda consists of three separate parts, Gylfaginning, Skaldskápamáland Háttatal, all functioning together as a greater work and guide for the aspiring medieval poet and storyteller.


(Contributed by Liv Marit Aurdal.)


Main text: Gylfaginning

Attributes: battle Battle Feast Hall Landscape Goat Valhöll Death

Named things:

Text sections: SnSt Gylf 38bIII SnSt, Gylf ch. 17b


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