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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 8. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines III. Special and abbreviated bibliographical references E. Lists of abbreviations 1. Abbreviations for titles of journals

1. Abbreviations for titles of journals

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

All other journal references are to be given in full.

ÅNOHAarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie
ANOHAnnaler for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie
ANFArkiv för nordisk filologi
APSActa Philologica Scandinavica
BDGSLBeiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur
BGDSL(H) same (Halle)
BGDSL(T)same (Tübingen)
HT(D)Historisk tidsskrift (Denmark)
ESEnglish Studies
FSFrühmittelalterliche Studien
GGAGöttingische gelehrte Anzeigen
GRGermanic Review
GRMGermanisch-romanische Monatsschrift
IFIndogermanische Forschungen
JEGPJournal of English and Germanic Philology
Medium Ævum
MGSMichigan Germanic Studies
MLNModern Language Notes
MLQModern Language Quarterly
MLRModern Language Review
MMMaal og minne
MPModern Philology
MSMediaeval Scandinavia
HT(N)Historisk tidsskrift (Norway)
NMNeuphilologische Mitteilungen
NoBNamn och bygd
NTNordisk tidskrift för vetenskap etc.
NTFNordisk tidsskrift for filologi
NTSNorsk tidsskrift for sprogvidenskap
PMLAPublications of the Modern Language Association of America
SBVSSaga-Book of the Viking Society
HT(S)Historisk tidskrift (Sweden)
SIScripta Islandica
SNStudia Neophilologica
SoSSyn och segn
SSScandinavian Studies
WWWirkendes Wort
ZDAZeitschrift für deutsches Altertum
ZDPZeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
ZVZeitschrift für Volkskunde



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