afleitr (adj.) ‘°despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly; passed-over (in respect of sth.), spurned’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- HkrIIIˣ —
afleitt ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 7672
- HuldaII —
afleítir ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 7853
- HómÍsl8(1993) —
afléita ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 7703
- HómÍsl §417 —
afleita ‘’l. 1
- JBapt2A —
afleitt ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 8436
- Martin2 —
aflettan ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 9095
- Stj1 —
afleita ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 10424
- StjC —
aflæitt ‘despicable, reprehensible, unseemly, ugly’l. 10428
- elements in compounds