elskuliga (adv.) ‘°with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately; sexually; delightfully’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- ÓTI —
elskuliga ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 9519
- Adon —
elskuliga ‘delightfully’l. 11
- DínDr —
elskuliga ‘delightfully’l. 4845
- Dugg681a —
elskuligar ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 6905
- FinnÓT —
elskvliga ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 7143
- LapMedMiscˣ —
elskuliga ‘sexually’l. 8875
- MarE —
elskuliga ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 8994
- MarS —
elskvliga ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 8996
- MarS2 —
elskuligar ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 8997
- [not skaldic] —
elskolega ‘’l. 1
- Streng —
elskolega ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 10468
- [not skaldic] —
elskulegarr ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
elskulega ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 10577
- Thom2 —
elskuligar ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 10580
- Trist1ˣ —
elskuliga ‘with love/devotion, fervently, affectionately’l. 10605
- Æv62ˣ —
Elskuliga ‘delightfully’l. 10926
- elements in compounds