dœmisaga (noun f.) ‘°account of a parallel case; ?historical account, ?legal case; didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable; of the Proverbs of Solomon); prophecy, oracle; (relatively short) (entertaining) tale’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- GregDialB —
dęmisỏgur ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7408
- ÓTOdd —
dỏmisogum ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 9546
- ÞH ch. 28 —
dæmisögu ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
døme sagu ‘’l. 1
- BarlA —
dœme sagu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 252
- BarlReyk —
dæme savgv ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 276
- GBpB —
dæmisögum ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7292
- GlossPsalt —
dæmisỏgu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7358
- HákFris —
dæmisꜹgo ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7518
- Hák81 —
dæmisogu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7526
- [not skaldic] —
døme ſꜵgu ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl38(1993) —
dœmi sogo ‘account of a parallel case’l. 7730
- HómÍsl43(1993) —
dœmisogo ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7732
- HómNo13 —
døme-sꜵgu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7755
- Hóm677 —
dømisogo ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 7783
- Jón4 —
dæmisaga ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 8527
- Mich —
dæmisǫgu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 9150
- MírmB(1997) —
dæmi sỏgur ‘(relatively short) (entertaining) tale’l. 9159
- Rémˣ —
dæmisǫgr ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10124
- SigÞǫgl —
dæmisaugur ‘(relatively short) (entertaining) tale’l. 10214
- Stj1 —
dæmisaugu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10424
- Stj2 —
dæmisaugu ‘pronounce a prophecy’l. 10425
- StjC —
dǫmisỏgv ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10428
- StuIK —
dæmi-sogv ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10477
- Theol672 —
dœmisaga ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10563
- Thom2 —
dæmisogum ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10580
- ViðrLS544(1995) —
dœme saga ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10680
- ÞBp §419 —
dæmisögum ‘’l. 1
- ÞBpC1 —
demisỏgum ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10743
- ÞiðrI —
dœmi sagom ‘(relatively short) (entertaining) tale’l. 10761
- Æv23624 —
dæmisögum ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10898
- Æv95 —
dæmisögu ‘didactic/moral tale, exemplum, parable, fable’l. 10961
- elements in compounds