dróttinligr (adj.) ‘°(as is appropriate) towards (one’s) master (ɔ: subservient); pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Alk619 —
drottenlegrar ‘prayer to our Lord (ɔ: Lord's Prayer)’l. 143
- Ant —
drottinligr ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 212
- ÁKrD —
drottinlegha ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 44
- FV624 —
drottinligri ‘prayer to our Lord (ɔ: Lord's Prayer)’l. 7235
- GBpB —
drottinlig ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 7292
- [not skaldic] —
drotten legrar ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl18(1993) —
drottenlegom ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 7711
- HómÍsl24(1993) —
drottenlegrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 7717
- JBapt2A —
drottinligr ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 8436
- JBpA(2003) —
drottinlig⟨r⟩ar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 8465
- Jón4 —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 8527
- KlmBˣ —
dróttinligan ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 8685
- LaurReyk —
drottenlegs ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 8886
- MarD635ˣ —
drottinliga ‘prayer to our Lord (ɔ: Lord's Prayer)’l. 8992
- MarE —
drottinnliga ‘prayer to our Lord (ɔ: Lord's Prayer)’l. 8994
- MarS —
dróttinligs ‘era of the Lord (ɔ: time after the birth of Christ)’l. 8996
- Mess1619 —
drottinlegre ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 9140
- ÓH1 —
drottinligv ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 9443
- Remig —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10141
- StatPáll2 —
drottinliga ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10360
- Steph —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10410
- StjC —
drottinligs ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10428
- Stórþing194 —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10467
- Thom2 —
drottinligri ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10580
- Thom3G —
drottinligri ‘(as is appropriate) towards (one's) master (ɔ: subservient)’l. 10586
- VP —
drottinligri ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10714
- Æv11531ˣ —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10883
- Æv20 —
drottinligrar ‘pertaining to the Lord, of the Lord, towards the Lord’l. 10894
- elements in compounds