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Hrólfs saga kraka — chs 34-35 §34.3

Drag the words in the Old Norse text onto the corresponding words in the translation (this won’t work if a translation has not been entered into the database).

Bǫðvarr þrífr til hans ok hnykkir honum upp ór beinahrúgunni. Hǫttr kvað þá hátt við ok mælti: ‘Nú viltu bana mér! Gør eigi þetta, svá sem ek hefi nú vel um búizk, en þú hefr nú rofit í sundr skjaldborg mína, ok hafða ek nú gǫrt hana svá háva útan at mér, at hon hefr hlíft mér við ǫllum hǫggum ykkar, svá at ekkert hǫgg hefir komit á mik lengi, en ekki var hon þó enn svá búin sem ek ætlaða hon skyldi vera.’ 

Bǫðvarr grabs at him and pulls him up out of the bone pile. Hǫttr then cried loudly at that and said, ‘Now you want to have me killed! Do n’t do that, just as have now [¤] finished[¤], but you have now broken my shield-wall apart, and had now made it so high around [¤] me, that it has protected me against all your blows, such that no blow has reached [¤] me for a long time, but it was still not yet as finished as wanted it to be.’  

34.2Hrólfs saga kraka — chs 34-35Start again 34.4


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Teaching text: translation

Here you can test your Old Norse translation skills by connecting words in the Old Norse text with a translation (if a translation has been entered into the database).

Drag with your finger or mouse the words in Old Norse onto the corresponding words in the English translation. If you are correct, the word will stay and the Old Norse word will be highlighted. If you don’t match the words correctly, the Old Norse word will return to its old position.

Note that translations are subjective and there is never a full word-to-word correspondence between the text and translation. If you notice any mistakes in the site, email the database editor. Where a word in the Old Norse cannot been translated directly ‘[...]’ will appear in the translation and corresponds to the untranslated word. Some Old Norse words will have been translated with more than one English word — these appear together in the same box.