— ed. not skaldic
Not published: do not cite (Hávm 24)
The new edition is either unpublished or unavailable. The following is taken from an old edition (Skj where relevant):
Ósnotur maður
hyggur sér alla vera
viðhlæjendur vini.
Hitt-ki hann finnur,
þótt þeir um hann fár lesi,
ef hann með snotrum situr.
Text is based on reconstruction from the base text and variant apparatus and may contain alternative spellings and other normalisations not visible in the manuscript text. Transcriptions may not have been checked and should not be cited.
Use the buttons at the top of the page to navigate between stanzas in a poem.
The text and translation are given here, with buttons to toggle whether the text is shown in the verse order or prose word order. Clicking on indiviudal words gives dictionary links, variant readings, kennings and notes, where relevant.
This is the text of the edition in a similar format to how the edition appears in the printed volumes.
This view is also used for chapters and other text segments. Not all the headings shown are relevant to such sections.