bruni (noun m.) ‘°fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire; of fire as eternal punishment); ?lava; cauterising; intense heat (from fire, the sun, etc.); burn (on a person), scalding; smarting pain, (spec.) gangrene; burning pains in chest/stomac’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Hrólfˣ —
bruninn ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 7845
- [not skaldic] —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- Kgs —
brunans ‘intense heat (from fire, the sun, etc.)’l. 8634
- KgsE —
bruna ‘intense heat (from fire, the sun, etc.)’l. 8636
- KgsFrgα —
brvna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 8637
- Nj ch. 129 —
bruni ‘’l. 1
- NjM —
bruni ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 9253
- ÞorvV ch. 3 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- ÞorvVÓTI —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10838
- Mberf ch. 21 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- ÓHHkr ch. 111 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- HkrIIIˣ —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 7672
- ÓTI —
bruní ‘of fire as eternal punishment)’l. 9519
- ÓTII —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 9521
- [not skaldic] —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- Alex —
bruna ‘of fire as eternal punishment)’l. 117
- Alk685 —
brvna ‘ardour, passion’l. 144
- AnnGott —
brvni ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 188
- Ant —
brvni ‘intense heat (from fire, the sun, etc.)’l. 212
- ÁKr —
brvna ‘ardour, passion’l. 42
- [not skaldic] —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- BarlA —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 252
- DI IX (*1532›c1790ˣ) —
brunanum ‘?lava’l. 4439
- DínDrˣ —
bruna ‘intense heat (from fire, the sun, etc.)’l. 4846
- Dugg681a —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 6905
- Eras —
bruna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 7077
- GBpD —
bruna ‘of fire as eternal punishment)’l. 7296
- GulI —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 7459
- [not skaldic] —
bruni ‘’l. 1
- JBpA(2003) —
bruni ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 8465
- Jvs §783 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- Jvs291 —
brvna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 8578
- LapHauksb —
brvna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 8873
- LaurReyk —
brvne ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 8886
- MarD634ˣ —
bruna ‘(of illness, etc.) ravages’l. 8991
- MarD635ˣ —
bruni ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 8992
- MarE —
bruna ‘smarting pain, (spec.) gangrene’l. 8994
- Mar240a —
bruna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 9000
- MedMisc —
bruna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 9114
- Med194 —
bruna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 9115
- Orkn —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 9499
- ÓH —
brvna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 9441
- ÓH1 —
brvnni ‘ardour, passion’l. 9443
- ÓH1005 —
bruni ‘ardour, passion’l. 9449
- RochReyk —
brvna ‘(of illness, etc.) ravages’l. 10153
- RRÓT —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10170
- Seb —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10185
- SigÞǫgl —
bruninn ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 10214
- Stj1 —
bruni ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10424
- Stj2 —
bruna ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10425
- Thom2 —
bruni ‘ardour, passion’l. 10580
- Trist1ˣ —
bruna ‘ardour, passion’l. 10605
- VP —
brunanum ‘fire, conflagration, flame, burning, arson, consumption by fire’l. 10714
- ÞBp §342 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- ÞBpCod645 —
brvneɴ ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 10739
- ÞSHDr ch. 1 —
bruna ‘’l. 1
- ÞSHDrˣ —
bruna ‘burn (on a person), scalding’l. 10849
- elements in compounds