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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. VIII. Poetry in the fornaldarsǫgur 3. General Abbreviations 4. Other Abbreviations and Notations

4. Other Abbreviations and Notations

Margaret Clunies Ross 2017, ‘Other Abbreviations and Notations ’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry in fornaldarsögur. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 8. Turnhout: Brepols [check printed volume for citation].

c. — circa

C10th — tenth century (and similarly for references to other centuries)

ch. — chapter

chs — chapters

d. — died

ed. — editor, edited (by)

edn — edition

eds — editors, editions

fol. — folio

fols — folios

hap. leg.hapax legomenon (pl. legomena) – unique word(s)

l. — line

ll. — lines

lit. — literally (used in translations [italicised] and notes [roman])

Lv — lausavísa, pl. lausavísur ‘loose stanza(s)’, free-standing stanzas

ms. — manuscript

mss — manuscripts

n. — note (but e.g. Anm. if notes are labelled as such in the source)

nn. — notes

no. — number

nos — numbers

p. — page

pp. — pages

r. — reigned (of regnal dates of kings, jarls, etc.)

S. — Saint

s. a.sub anno ‘under year’– for references to materials in annals

sby — somebody

st. — stanza

sth. — something

sts — stanzas

vol. — volume

vols — volumes

* — reconstructed form, e.g. hypothetical etymon, no longer extant text

† — obelos symbol for textual material that is impossibly corrupt or cannot be made sense of. One † is placed immediately before the beginning of the piece of corrupt text and another immediately after it.



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