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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. VIII. Poetry in the fornaldarsǫgur 3. General Abbreviations 2. Abbreviations for Languages

2. Abbreviations for Languages

Margaret Clunies Ross 2017, ‘Abbreviations for Languages ’ in Margaret Clunies Ross (ed.), Poetry in fornaldarsögur. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 8. Turnhout: Brepols [check printed volume for citation].

Dan. — Danish

Engl. — English

Ger. — German

Gk — Greek

Gmc — Germanic

Goth. — Gothic

Icel. — Icelandic

IE — Indo-European

Lat. — Latin

LG — Low German

ME — Middle English

MHG — Middle High German

MLG — Middle Low German

ModDan. — Modern Danish

ModEngl. — Modern English

ModIcel. — Modern Icelandic

ModNorw. — Modern Norwegian

ModSwed. — Modern Swedish

New Norw. — New Norwegian (nynorsk)

Norw. — Norwegian

ODan. — Old Danish

OE — Old English

OFr. — Old French

OHG — Old High German

OIcel. — Old Icelandic

OIr. — Old Irish

ON — Old Norse (used where differentiation between individual early Nordic [norrœn] languages is not necessary or possible)

ONorw. — Old Norwegian

OS — Old Saxon

OSwed. — Old Swedish

OWN — Old West Norse

Swed. — Swedish

WGmc — West Germanic



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