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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. III. Poetry from Treatises on Poetics 4. Sigla used in this Volume 3. Sigla for Manuscripts used in the Editions of this Volume

3. Sigla for Manuscripts used in the Editions of this Volume

8 — Holm perg 8 fol

20dˣAM 20 d folˣ

41ˣHolm papp 41 4°ˣ

42ˣAM 42 folˣ (Gullinskinna)

53 — AM 53 fol

54 — AM 54 fol

61 — AM 61 fol

68 — AM 68 fol

73aˣAM 73 a folˣ

81a — AM 81 a fol (Skálholtsbók yngsta)

141ˣAM 141 folˣ

158 8°ˣAM 158 8°ˣ

164ˣAM 164 8°ˣ

167b 3ˣAM 167 b 3 8°ˣ

194 — AM 194 8°

304ˣAM 304 4°ˣ

310 — AM 310 4°

321ˣAM 321 4°ˣ

325V — AM 325 V 4°

325VII — AM 325 VII 4°

325VIII 1 — AM 325 VIII 1 4°

325VIII 2 b — AM 325 VIII 2 b 4°

325XI 2 g — AM 325 XI 2 g 4°

625 — AM 625 4°

732b — AM 732 b 4°

742ˣAM 742 4°ˣ

743ˣAM 743 4°ˣ

744ˣAM 744 4°ˣ

758ˣAM 758 4°ˣ

764 — AM 764 4°

873ˣNKS 873 4°ˣ

1116ˣLbs 1116 4°ˣ

1494ˣThott 1494 4°ˣ

1496ˣThott 1496 4°ˣ

2368ˣGKS 2368 4°ˣ

A — AM 748 1 b 4°

B — AM 757 a 4°

Bb — Holm perg 1 fol (Bergsbók)

Bæb — AM 73 b fol (Bæjarbók)

C — AM 748 II 4°

E — AM 47 fol (Eirspennill)

F — AM 45 fol (Fríssbók, Codex Frisianus)

Flat — GKS 1005 fol (Flateyjarbók)

FskAˣAM 303 4°ˣ (Fagrskinna A)

FskBˣOsloUB 371 folˣ (Fagrskinna B)

Holm2 — Holm perg 2 4°

Holm4 — Holm perg 4 4°

Holm18 — Holm perg 18 4°

J1ˣAM 37 folˣ (Jöfraskinna)

J2ˣAM 38 folˣ (Jöfraskinna)

JÓ — Jón Ólafsson 1741

AM 35 folˣ (Kringla)

papp10ˣHolm papp 10 4°ˣ

papp25ˣHolm papp 25 8°ˣ

R — GKS 2367 4° (Codex Regius)

R683ˣ — UppsUB 683ˣ

RE 1665 — Resen 1977 (see Bibliography)

Traj 1374ˣ (Codex Trajectinus)

Tóm — GKS 1008 fol (Tómasskinna)

U — DG 11 (Codex Upsaliensis)

W — AM 242 fol (Codex Wormianus)


  1. Bibliography
  2. Resen 1977 = Faulkes, Anthony. 1977a. Edda Íslandorum. Völuspá. Hávamál. Vol. II of Two Versions of Snorra Edda from the 17th Century. Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar. 1977-9.

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