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The Old Norse World

The Old Norse World

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Vol. III. Poetry from Treatises on Poetics 5. Technical Terms 2. Other Old Norse-Icelandic Terms

2. Other Old Norse-Icelandic Terms

alþingi, ‘general assembly’, the Icelandic annual general legal assembly

fornaldarsögur, ‘sagas of ancient time’, a modern term for legendary and heroic sagas, usually set in Scandinavia before the settlement of Iceland

fornskald, ‘ancient skalds’

fuþark, runic alphabet

gáta (pl. gátur), ‘riddle’

hersir, a Norwegian nobleman of a lesser rank than a jarl

hǫfuðskald, ‘main skalds’

Íslendingasögur ‘sagas of Icelanders’, also known as Icelandic family sagas

konungasögur, ‘kings’ sagas’

þáttr (pl. þættir), ‘strand’, a smaller, independent narrative usually embedded in or added to a saga

þulr, a sage or wise man (‘speaker’) conversant with old lore

þylja ‘chant, murmur’



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