bótamaðr (noun m.) ‘°person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Ann764 —
bota madr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 199
- Bl —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 331
- DI V (*1450›tr 1543) —
botamenn ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 1564
- DN I (1346) —
botamaðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5031
- DN I (1353) —
bottæmader ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5057
- DN II (1303) —
botamaðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5144
- DN II (1345) —
botamonnum ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5319
- DN II (1359) —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5393
- DN II (1363) —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 5418
- DN XI (1369) —
botamonnom ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 6642
- FrostÁMˣ —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 7207
- Járns —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 8277
- Jb —
bótamaðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 8287
- Landsl —
bota maðr ‘person lawfully permitted to pay a fine (to escape outlawry), person who is obliged to pay a fine’l. 8774
- elements in compounds