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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Oddr Snorrason (OSnorr)

12th century; volume 1; ed. Diana Whaley;

not in Skj

prose works

Oddr (OSnorr) lived in the second half of the twelfth century and belonged to a well-documented family from northern Iceland (Ldn, ÍF 1, 199, 211-12). He became a monk and priest at the Benedictine monastery of Þingeyrar, a great centre of learning and literature, and specifically of devotion to the missionary king Óláfr Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000). Oddr compiled a life of the king which survives in its Old Norse translation as ÓTOdd; see ‘Sources’ in Introduction to this volume. He is also identified with the monk Oddr inn fróði ‘the Learned’ who is credited with Yngvars saga víðfǫrla in its epilogue. Oddr is not known as a skald, aside from his probable responsibility for the stanza below, which is the Latin counterpart of Stefnir Lv 1; see further Introduction to the stanza and Andersson (2003, 1-4).

 Lausavísa   1 

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