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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Poetic Edda (Edda)

ed. not skaldic;

11. Alvíssmál (Alv) - 35

not in Skj


Not published: do not cite ()

non-skaldic stanzas:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35 

in texts: Skm, SnE

The poetry here is not included in the skaldic edition but derives from other published editions.

1 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 1] — Alv 1

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Bekki breiða,
nú skal brúðr með mér
heim í sinni snúask,
hratat of mægi
mun hverjum þykkja,
heima skal-at hvílð nema."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
2 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 2] — Alv 2

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Hvat er þat fira?
Hví ertu svá fölr um nasar?
Þursa líki
þykki mér á þér vera,
ert-at-tu til brúðar borinn."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
3 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 3] — Alv 3

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Alvíss ek heiti,
bý ek fyr jörð neðan,
á ek und steini stað,
vagna vers
ek em á vit kominn,
bregði engi föstu heiti fira."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
4 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 4] — Alv 4

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Ek mun bregða,
þvíat ek brúðar á
flest of ráð sem faðir,
vark-a ek heima,
þá er þér heitit var,
at sá einn, er gjöf er, með goðum."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
5 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 5] — Alv 5

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Hvat er þat rekka,
er í ráðum telsk
fljóðs ins fagrglóa,
- þik munu fáir kunna, -
hverr hefr þik baugum borit?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
6 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 6] — Alv 6

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Vingþórr ek heiti,
hef ek víða ratat,
sonr em ek Síðgrana;
at ósátt minni skal-at-tu
þat it unga man hafa
ok þat gjaforð geta."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
7 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 7] — Alv 7

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Sáttir þínar
er ek vil snemma hafa
ok þat gjaforð geta,
eiga vilja ek,
heldr en án vera,
þat it mjallhvíta man."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
8 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 8] — Alv 8

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Meyjar ástum
mun-a þér verða
vísi gestr of varit,
ef þú ór heimi kannt
hverjum at segja
allt þat er vilja ek vita."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
9 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 9] — Alv 9

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sú jörð heitir,
er liggr fyr alda sonum
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
10 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 10] — Alv 10

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Jörð heitir með mönnum,
en með ásum fold,
kalla vega vanir,
ígrœn jötnar,
alfar gróandi,
kalla aur uppregin."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
11 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 11] — Alv 11

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sá himinn heitir
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
12 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 12] — Alv 12

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Himinn heitir með mönnum,
en hlýrnir með goðum,
kalla vindófni vanir,
uppheim jötnar,
alfar fagraræfr,
dvergar drjúpansal."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
13 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 13] — Alv 13

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Avlíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hversu máni heitir,
sá er menn séa,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
14 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 14] — Alv 14

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Máni heitir með mönnum,
en mylinn með goðum,
kalla hverfanda hvél helju í,
skyndi jötnar,
en skin dvergar,
kalla alfar ártala."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
15 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 15] — Alv 15

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sú sól heitir,
er séa alda synir,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
16 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 16] — Alv 16

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Sól heitir með mönnum,
en sunna með goðum,
kalla dvergar Dvalins leika,
eygló jötnar,
alfar fagrahvél,
alskír ása synir."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
17 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 17] — Alv 17

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé þau ský heita,
er skúrum blandask,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
18 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 18] — Alv 18

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Ský heita með mönnum,
en skúrván með goðum,
kalla vindflot vanir,
úrván jötnar,
alfar veðrmegin,
kalla í helju hjalm huliðs."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
19 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 19] — Alv 19

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sá vindr heitir,
er víðast ferr,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
20 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 20] — Alv 20

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Vindr heitir með mönnum,
en váfuðr með goðum,
kalla gneggjuð ginnregin,
œpi jötnar,
alfar dynfara,
kalla í helju hviðuð."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X; texts: Skm 336
21 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 21] — Alv 21

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé þat logn heitir,
er liggja skal,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
22 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 22] — Alv 22

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Logn heitir með mönnum,
en lœgi með goðum,
kalla vindlot vanir,
ofhlý jötnar,
alfar dagsefa,
kalla dvergar dagsveru."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
23 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 23] — Alv 23

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sá marr heitir,
er menn róa,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
24 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 24] — Alv 24

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Sær heitir með mönnum,
en sílœgja með goðum,
kalla vág vanir,
álheim jötnar,
alfar lagastaf,
kalla dvergar djúpan mar."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
25 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 25] — Alv 25

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat, Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé sá eldr heitir,
er brennr fyr alda sonum,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
26 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 26] — Alv 26

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Eldr heitir með mönnum,
en með ásum funi,
kalla vág vanir,
frekan jötnar,
en forbrenni dvergar,
kalla í helju hröðuð."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
27 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 27] — Alv 27

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé viðr heitir,
er vex fyr alda sonum,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
28 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 28] — Alv 28

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Viðr heitir með mönnum,
en vallarfax með goðum,
kalla hlíðþang halir,
eldi jötnar
alfar fagrlima,
kalla vönd vanir."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
29 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 29] — Alv 29

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr,at vitir,
hvé sú nótt heitir,
in Nörvi kennda,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
30 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 30] — Alv 30

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Nótt heitir með mönnum,
en njól með goðum,
kalla grímu ginnregin,
óljós jötnar,
alfar svefngaman,
kalla dvergar draumnjörun."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X; texts: Skm 384
31 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 31] — Alv 31

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé þat sáð heitir,
er sáa alda synir,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
32 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 32] — Alv 32

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Bygg heitir með mönnum,
en barr með goðum,
kalla vöxt vanir,
æti jötnar,
alfar lagastaf,
kalla í helju hnipin."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
33 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 33] — Alv 33

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Segðu mér þat Alvíss,
- öll of rök fira
vörumk, dvergr, at vitir,
hvé þat öl heitir,
er drekka alda synir,
heimi hverjum í?"

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
34 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 34] — Alv 34

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Öl heitir með mönnum,
en með ásum bjórr,
kalla veig vanir,
hreinalög jötnar,
en í helju mjöð,
kalla sumbl Suttungs synir."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
35 Vol. [not skaldic: Alvíssmál 35] — Alv 35

The following text is from a superseded edition and is not the work of the editor(s) named on this page. It is included for reference only. Do not refer to this site when using this text but rather consult the original edition (Skj where relevant).

"Í einu brjósti
sá ek aldrigi
fleiri forna stafi;
miklum tálum
kveð ek tælðan þik,
uppi ertu, dvergr, of dagaðr,
nú skínn sól í sali."

Skj: Not in Skj; eddic or germanic; ed. NS; group: X
© Skaldic Project Academic Body and Brepols, unless otherwise noted. Database structure and interface developed by Tarrin Wills. All users of material on this database are reminded that its content may be either subject to copyright restrictions or is the property of the custodians of linked databases that have given permission for members of the skaldic project to use their material for research purposes. Those users who have been given access to as yet unpublished material are further reminded that they may not use, publish or otherwise manipulate such material except with the express permission of the individual editor of the material in question and the General Editor of the volume in which the material is to be published. Applications for permission to use such material should be made in the first instance to the General Editor of the volume in question. All information that appears in the published volumes has been thoroughly reviewed. If you believe some information here is incorrect please contact Tarrin Wills with full details.