DR BR66 (DR BR66) - KJ128 - Väsby bracteate
inscription; date not specified; not skaldic;
Denmark Location: Väsby, Skåne - now SHM;
Samnordisk runtextdatabas:
siglum: |
DR BR66 =DRIK241,2 |
place: |
parish: |
district: |
placement: |
coordinates: |
original place?: |
new coords: |
RAÄ number: |
rune types: |
cross form: |
period/dating: |
style group: |
inscriber: |
material/object: |
other: |
Bytt signum till DR IK241,2 |
reference: |
image link: |
rune text: |
old west norse: |
original language: |
english: |
User-contributed fields:
references to women (MZ): |
magic category (CO): |
magic attitude (CO): |
neutral |
invocation to (DD): |
object (PC): |
material (PC): |
object/material translation (PC): |
| other readings/interpretationsimages
1 | |