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Data from Samnordisk runtextdatabas

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U 986 (U986) - Kungsgården, Samnan

inscription; date not specified; not skaldic;

Sweden: Uppland
Location: Kungsgården, Samnan, Gamla Uppsala sn (nu: Uppsala), Vaksala hd;
Swedish map: X:1602750 Y:6644250
Google maps: 59.9047,17.6414

Samnordisk runtextdatabas:
siglum: U 986 †$ 
place: Kungsgården, Samnan 
parish: Gamla Uppsala sn (nu: Uppsala) 
district: Vaksala hd 
coordinates: 6644250:1602750 
original place?:  
new coords:  
RAÄ number:  
rune types:  
cross form: A3; B1; 0; D1; E4; F3; 0 
style group: Pr3 - Pr4? 
inscriber: Åsmund (S) 
material/object: runsten 
reference: $=Fv 2003:202f,  
image link:  
rune text: [+ ali ' auk sihualti ' uk ' inkifast ' litu rita stin þino ' abtiʀ ' ka=nilf * buanta inkifastaʀ auk faþur ala osmunrt ' risti] 
old west norse: Áli/Alli ok Sigvaldi ok Ingifast létu rétta stein þenna eptir Kalf(?), bónda Ingifastar ok fǫður Ála/Alla. Ásmundr risti. 
original language: Ali/Alli ok Sigvaldi ok Ingifast letu retta stæin þenna æftiR Kalf(?), boanda IngifastaR ok faður Ala/Alla. Asmundr risti. 
english: Áli/Alli and Sigvaldi and Ingifast had this stone erected in memory of Kalfr(?), Ingifast's husbandman and Áli's/Alli's father. Ásmundr carved.  
User-contributed fields:
references to women (MZ): raised by 
magic category (CO):  
magic attitude (CO): neutral 
invocation to (DD):  
object (PC): runestone 
material (PC): stone 
object/material translation (PC): runestone 

other readings/interpretations

Nottingham rune dictionary words: bondi - faðir - lata - ok - retta - rista - sa(r)si - stæinn - æftir


Runic data from Samnordisk runtextdatabas, Uppsala universitet, unless otherwise stated