U 195 (U195) - Åby
inscription; date not specified; not skaldic;
Sweden: Uppland Location: Åby, Össeby-Garns sn, Vallentuna hd; Swedish map: X:1642190 Y:6613140
Google maps: 59.6075,18.3146 RAÄ: Össeby-Garn 109:2
Samnordisk runtextdatabas:
siglum: |
U 195 |
place: |
Åby |
parish: |
Össeby-Garns sn |
district: |
Vallentuna hd |
placement: |
Vid Stångberga skola. |
coordinates: |
6613140:1642190 |
original place?: |
new coords: |
6612386.1641653 |
RAÄ number: |
109:2 [objektid=10012201090002] |
rune types: |
cross form: |
A9; B1; C8, C9; 0; 0; F1; 0 |
period/dating: |
V |
style group: |
Pr5 |
inscriber: |
(Öpir 1 (A)) [ej Öpir, Åhlén 1997] |
material/object: |
runsten, sandsten |
other: |
reference: |
image link: |
rune text: |
...- lit * raisa ' stain ' aftʀ ' ketilmunt ' uk ' aftʀ ' olaf ' sun -... |
old west norse: |
... lét reisa stein eptir Ketilmund ok eptir Ólaf, son(?) ... |
original language: |
... let ræisa stæin æftiR Kætilmund ok æftiR Olaf, sun(?) ...
english: |
... had the stone raised in memory of Ketilmundr and in memory of Ólafr(?), son ... |
User-contributed fields:
references to women (MZ): |
magic category (CO): |
magic attitude (CO): |
neutral |
invocation to (DD): |
object (PC): |
runestone |
material (PC): |
stone, sandstone |
object/material translation (PC): |
runestone, sandstone |
other readings/interpretationsNottingham rune dictionary words: lata - ok - ræisa - stæinn - sunr/sunn - æftir images