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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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AM 552 l 4°x (AM 552 l 4°x)

paper; c1600-1700; description: Icelandicdigital images

The Arnamagnæan Collection, Den arnamagnæanske samling, Nordisk forskningsinstitut, University of Copenhagen and Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík

contents from the ONP and skaldic databases:

Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu 1r-12v  image

AM Photo Libary

page- images - sts/text texts
1r d 439dpi Gunnl
1v d 420dpi Gunnl
2r d 420dpi Gunnl
2v d 420dpi Gunnl
3r d 420dpi Gunnl
3v d 420dpi Gunnl
4r d 420dpi Gunnl
4v d 420dpi 13-17: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 1 Gunnl
5r d 420dpi Gunnl
5v d 420dpi Gunnl
6r d 420dpi Gunnl
6v d 420dpi 19-20: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Aðalráðsdrápa 1 Gunnl
7r d 420dpi 07-10: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 3 Gunnl
7v d 420dpi 01-04: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 4
15-15: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Sigtryggsdrápa 3
16-18: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Sigtryggsdrápa 1
18-19: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Sigtryggsdrápa 2
8r d 420dpi 17-20: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 5 Gunnl
8v d 420dpi Gunnl
9r d 420dpi Gunnl
9v d 420dpi 26-29: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 6 Gunnl
10r d 420dpi 07-09: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 7 Gunnl
10v d 420dpi 11-14: Hrafn Ǫnundarson Lausavísur 1
11-14: Hrafn Ǫnundarson Lausavísur 1
11r d 420dpi 04-07: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 8
08-11: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 9
18-20: Hrafn Ǫnundarson Lausavísur 2
23-26: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 10
11v d 420dpi 15-18: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 11
18-21: Hrafn Ǫnundarson Lausavísur 3
12r d 300dpi
d 420dpi
15-18: Gunnlaugr ormstunga Illugason Lausavísur 12
22-25: Kormákr Ǫgmundarson Lausavísur 3
12v d 420dpi Gunnl
13r d 420dpi
13v d 420dpi
14r d 420dpi
14v d 420dpi
15r d 420dpi
15v d 434dpi
ccp d 325dpi
9999r-RB d 434dpi
d 441dpi
r-FB d 440dpi
v-FB d 439dpi
© Skaldic Project Academic Body and Brepols, unless otherwise noted. Database structure and interface developed by Tarrin Wills. All users of material on this database are reminded that its content may be either subject to copyright restrictions or is the property of the custodians of linked databases that have given permission for members of the skaldic project to use their material for research purposes. Those users who have been given access to as yet unpublished material are further reminded that they may not use, publish or otherwise manipulate such material except with the express permission of the individual editor of the material in question and the General Editor of the volume in which the material is to be published. Applications for permission to use such material should be made in the first instance to the General Editor of the volume in question. All information that appears in the published volumes has been thoroughly reviewed. If you believe some information here is incorrect please contact Tarrin Wills with full details.