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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Heildr 4VII/1 — seðr ‘satisfies’

Aflnægir seðr öflgu
jóð — huggari þjóðar,
átt, þann er aldri fættisk,
auð — skilningar brauði,
því er oss með hug hvössum
hrein brjóst ok trú fóstrar;
glöð lætr guðdóms eðli
guma kyn föður skynja.

Aflnægir seðr jóð öflgu brauði skilningar — huggari þjóðar, átt auð, þann er aldri fættisk — því er fóstrar oss hrein brjóst með hvössum hug ok trú; lætr glöð kyn guma skynja guðdóms eðli föður.

The strength-granter satisfies his children with the powerful bread of understanding — you, comforter of people, have the wealth that never diminishes — which fosters in us pure hearts [lit. breasts] along with keen thought and faith; it allows the cheerful race of men [MANKIND] to comprehend the divine nature of the Father.



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