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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þjóð Yt 4I/4 — knátti

Ok Vísburs
vilja byrði
sævar niðr
svelgja knátti,
þás meinþjóf
markar ǫttu
setrs verjendr
á sinn fǫður.
Ok allvald
í arinkjóli
glóða garmr
glymjandi beit.

Ok niðr sævar knátti svelgja byrði vilja Vísburs, þás verjendr setrs ǫttu meinþjóf markar á fǫður sinn. Ok glymjandi garmr glóða beit allvald í arinkjóli.

And the kinsman of the sea [FIRE] swallowed the ship of the will [BREAST] of Vísburr when the defenders of the seat [RULERS] incited the harmful thief of the forest [FIRE] against their father. And the roaring dog of embers [fire] bit the sovereign within the hearth-ship [HOUSE].


[4] knátti svelgja ‘swallowed’: Knátti ‘could’ can be regarded as a pleonastic auxiliary and is therefore not translated. On the metaphor of svelgja ‘swallow(ed)’, see Note to st. 21/4, svalg.



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