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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þskakk Erldr 3II/2 — Erlingr ‘Erlingr’

Urð dró austan fjarðar
Erlingr at víkingum,
— mein fekk margr af Kœnu
maðr — es hann fór þaðra.
Fœrðr vas fleinn meðal herða
Fríreks; ofarr nekkvi
skolldi óþarfr ǫldum
illgjarn við tré Bjarni.

Erlingr dró urð at víkingum austan fjarðar, es hann fór þaðra; margr maðr fekk mein af Kœnu. Fleinn vas fœrðr meðal herða Fríreks; nekkvi ofarr skolldi illgjarn Bjarni, óþarfr ǫldum, við tré.

Erlingr brought death to the vikings east of the fjord when he went there; many a man got grief from Kœna (‘Little-boat’). The anchor-fluke was placed between Frírekr’s shoulders; somewhat higher up, evil-eager Bjarni, harmful to people, swung from a tree.


[2] Erlingr: For Erlingr, see ‘Biographies of Other Dignitaries’ in Introduction to this vol.



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