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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Steinn Óldr 1II/8 — lundaðr ‘minded’

Þjóð fórsk mǫrg í móðu;
menn drukknuðu sukknir;
drengr lá ár of ungan
ófár Mǫrukára.
Fila dróttinn rak flótta
framr; tók herr á ramri
rôs fyr rǫskum vísa.
Ríklundaðr veit undir.

Mǫrg þjóð fórsk í móðu; sukknir menn drukknuðu; ófár drengr lá ár of ungan Mǫrukára. Framr dróttinn Fila rak flótta; herr tók á ramri rôs fyr rǫskum vísa. Ríklundaðr veit undir….

Many people died in the river; submerged men drowned; not a few warriors soon lay [dead] around young Morcere. The outstanding lord of the Filir [NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr] pursued those who fled; the army broke into a frantic run before the bold ruler. Proud-minded knows beneath [the sun]….


[8] ‑lundaðr: ‑lundar Flat


[8] ríklundaðr veit undir ... ‘proud-minded knows beneath [the sun] ...’: This l. is part of a klofastef (‘split refrain’), which is completed or repeated in the final ll. of sts 4-6, 8, 12-14. The entire refrain reads as follows: ríklundaðr veit undir | sik beztan gram miklu | Óláfr borinn sólu, i.e. ríklundaðr Óláfr veit sik borinn miklu beztan gram undir sólu ‘proud-minded Óláfr knows himself to be the very best ruler born beneath the sun’. The scribes of the mss of Hkr, H-Hr and Fsk evidently did not understand the l. and tried to make syntactic sense of it in different ways.



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