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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Okík Magn 3II/5 — þurfi ‘in need’

Mák, síz Magnúss ævi
móðfíkins þraut góða
— Odd hafa stríð of staddan —
stillis, harða illa.
Hvarflak hvers manns þurfi;
harmr strangr fær mér angrat;
þjóðs at dǫgling dauðan
dǫpr; því fǫrum * aprir.

Mák harða illa, síz ævi Magnúss góða, móðfíkins stillis, þraut; stríð hafa of staddan Odd. Hvarflak þurfi hvers manns; strangr harmr fær mér angrat; þjóðs dǫpr at dauðan dǫgling; því fǫrum * aprir.

I feel sorely grieved since the life of Magnús the good, the valour-greedy lord, came to a close; sorrows have brought Oddr down. I roam around in need of company; strong grief besets me; people are mournful about the dead monarch; therefore we wander around downcast.


[5] þurfi hvers manns ‘in need of company’: Lit. ‘in need of every man’.



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